


Thought it was a plane crash

Prangin' OutPerjantai 27.03.2009 01:33

It stings when I ding, It stings like fuck,
And it's not just to rock and knock out the clock,
My days are spent swerving prangs,
Like old bill in a Jag,
But reality keeps on like a nag,
Stop it, stop it, before you cop it,
Off the rails, on style impaled,
Blind justice jailed,
Do a tabloid crossword- nailed,
Junkie rocker hailed,
And I appear in the morning too minging to sing,
And there's not much worse than that,
Except perhaps death
Prang's a night that gets darker and darker
That light that gets starker and starker
Prang's the bends with a capital B
Life's all mixed up of late
I can't see through you, seeing through me

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