
...Sunnuntai 11.05.2008 20:41

Lisää miehiä ja Georgia Nicolsonin pussaustaulukko Marskille :D

The New and Improved Snogging Scale

* 0.5 sticky eyes (Be careful using this. I’ve still got some complete twit following me around like a seeing-eye dog.)
* 1 holding hands
* 2 arm around
* 3 goodnight kiss
* 4 kiss lasting over three minutes without a breath (What you need for this is a sad mate who’s got a watch but no boyfriend.)
* 4.5 hand snogging (I really don’t want to go into this. Ask Jas.)
* 5 open mouth kissing
* 6 tongues
* 6.25 nip libbling (lip nibbling)
* 6.5 ear snogging
* 6.75 neck nuzzling
* 7 upper body fondling – outdoors
* 8 upper body fondling – indoors (in bed)
* Virtual number 8 (When your upper body is not actually being fondled in reality, but you know that it is in your snoggees head.)
* 9 below waist activity (or bwa) (Apparently this can include flashing your pants. Don’t blame me. Ask Jools.)
* 10 the full monty (Jas and I were in the room when Dad was watching the news and the newscaster said, “Tonight the Prime Minister has reached Number 10.” And Jas and I had a laughing spaz to end all laughing spazzes.)

kuvassa the official Sex God eli Pelkkää Seksiä - Robbie tulevasta leffasta...

enjoy ;)

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