


anna mul ruokaa nii sit voidaan olla kavereit

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

Turus taas ;ssSunnuntai 14.09.2008 22:12

Kuka haluu tulla hakee mut pois täält ?

viskiä tuopissa.Sunnuntai 14.09.2008 13:02

As I was a goin' over the Cork and Kerry mountains
I saw captain Farrell and his money he was counting
I first produced my pistol and I then produced my rapier
I said "Stand and deliver or the devil he may take ya"

I took all of his money and it was a pretty penny
I took all of his money, yeah and I brought it home to Molly
She swore that she loved me, no never would she leave me
But the devil take that woman, yeah, for you know she tricked me easy

Mush-a ring dum-a do dum-a da
Wack fall my daddy-o, wack fall my daddy-o
There's whiskey in the jar-o

Being drunk and weary I went to Molly's chamber
Taking Molly with me, but I never knew the danger
For about a six or maybe seven, yeah, in walked Captain Farrel
I jumped up, fired my pistols and I shot them with both barrels


Now some men like a fishin', but some men like the fowlin'
Some men like to hear, to hear the cannonball a-roarin'
Me I like sleepin', especially in my Molly's chamber
But here I am in prison, here I am with a ball and chain, yeah


Nyt on aika tuulettaa !Sunnuntai 14.09.2008 01:35

Emilia on pihkassa minuun<3

En halua mennä takaisin !Sunnuntai 14.09.2008 01:06

KOTONA !Lauantai 13.09.2008 22:36


Tunti ja sit kotii !<3Lauantai 13.09.2008 14:02

Shittiiiiiiii.Perjantai 12.09.2008 23:11

Yksi yö.Perjantai 12.09.2008 19:11

Sitten yhden yön vapaus<3

Haluun pois jo täält.Torstai 11.09.2008 22:07

Mäki sua Sari<3Torstai 11.09.2008 21:30
