


poikakalenteri huhtikuu

231Tiistai 27.07.2010 22:54


Ensimmäinen keikka on tosi asia nyt, kun lauantaina 31.7. jaY&hoU nousee lauteille Kuopio Rockissa! K A I K K I tulee tsekkaamaan! Viikolloppuna ilmoille putkahtaa myös uutta matskuu ;)

230Sunnuntai 25.07.2010 14:41

the world was on fire no-one could save me but you
strange what desire will make foolish people do
i never dreamed that i'd meet somebody like you
i never dreamed that i'd lose somebody like you

no, i don't wanna fall in love!
this love is only gonna break your heart
no, i don't wanna fall in love !
this love is only gonna break your heart
..with you

what a wicked game to play to make me feel this way
what a wicked thing to do to make me dream of you
what a wicked thing to say you never felt this way
what a wicked thing to do to make me dream of you!

no, i don't wanna fall in love!
this love is only gonna break your heart
no, i don't wanna fall in love !
this love is only gonna break your heart
..with you

the world was on fire no-one could save me but you
strange what desire will make foolish people do
i never dreamed that i'd meet somebody like you
i never dreamed that i'd lose somebody like you

no, i don't wanna fall in love!
this love is only gonna break your heart
no, i don't wanna fall in love !
this love is only gonna break your heart
..with you

nobody loves no-one!

229Sunnuntai 25.07.2010 14:23

Day 03 - A picture of what you did today

Day 04 - A picture of where you went today
Day 05 - A picture of your morning .
Day 06 - A picture that inspires you
Day 07 - A picture that makes you cry
Day 08 - A picture of yourself
Day 09 - A picture of what you had for lunch
Day 10 - A picture of what you like to do
Day 11 - A picture of your favorite drink
Day 12 - A picture of your favorite food
Day 13 - A picture of your friends
Day 14 - A picture of you and a few friends
Day 15 - A picture of yourself
Day 16 - A picture of your dream cell phone
Day 17 - A picture of your mp3 player
Day 18 - A picture of your room
Day 19 - A picture of your favorite musical instrument(s)
Day 20 - A picture of where you want to honeymoon
Day 21 - A picture that makes you think of your loved
Day 22 - A picture of yourself
Day 23 - A picture that describes your life
Day 24 - A picture of what you did today
Day 25 - A picture that you edited
Day 26 - A picture that makes you angry
Day 27 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 28 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 29 - A picture of yourself
Day 30 - A picture of you and your best friend

228Lauantai 24.07.2010 01:45

Day 02 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 03 - A picture of what you did today
Day 04 - A picture of where you went today
Day 05 - A picture of your morning .
Day 06 - A picture that inspires you
Day 07 - A picture that makes you cry
Day 08 - A picture of yourself
Day 09 - A picture of what you had for lunch
Day 10 - A picture of what you like to do
Day 11 - A picture of your favorite drink
Day 12 - A picture of your favorite food
Day 13 - A picture of your friends
Day 14 - A picture of you and a few friends
Day 15 - A picture of yourself
Day 16 - A picture of your dream cell phone
Day 17 - A picture of your mp3 player
Day 18 - A picture of your room
Day 19 - A picture of your favorite musical instrument(s)
Day 20 - A picture of where you want to honeymoon
Day 21 - A picture that makes you think of your loved
Day 22 - A picture of yourself
Day 23 - A picture that describes your life
Day 24 - A picture of what you did today
Day 25 - A picture that you edited
Day 26 - A picture that makes you angry
Day 27 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 28 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 29 - A picture of yourself
Day 30 - A picture of you and your best friend

227Lauantai 24.07.2010 01:36

K I I T O S L I K A T < 3
STAF! 2008 - 2010

he seisovat hiljaa jonoissaan
eivät käännä katseitakaan
tuijottavat ikuisuuteen
pitkään iän kaikkiseen

jokaisella on kulkulupa
ei täällä kysellä kuka on kuka
kaikilla on oikeus kulkea
ei kukaan muita omista

TÄSSÄHÄN VALLAN HERKISTYY! no herkistellään sitte :< muistaa sen fiilikse piru hyvi ku oli tampereilmiö 2009 ja setti oli kulkulupa-peili-odotus niin aaaaaaaaaaaaa:'3 oli ihan mahtavaa<3 sit torpalla oli kiva keikka kans ja no KIAKKI KEIKAT! tänääki meinas tullaa tippa linssii ku oli jäähyväiskeikka :< <3 kaikki hyvä loppuu aikanaan, muistot!

226Perjantai 23.07.2010 15:37

tästä sitten tre! heihei staf! viimestä keikkaa viedää mut täytyy käydä kattoo si takas ruutanaa u-u-uu

........................tälläset kinostavat ja tärkeät blogimerkinnät tappavat ihmisten elämänilon (toim.huom.)

225Perjantai 23.07.2010 14:07








rakastun joka päivä uudelleen

224Perjantai 23.07.2010 03:01

all that I ever wanted - to understand my nightmares
possessed by my fears - betrayed by my pride
alone I wandered in the deepest dark
seeking comfort from the vanity
each time I escape the real
my soul died, died a bit more

confronting the evil within
praying for my angel to appear
agonized whisper into the emptiness
begging for salvation - salvation for this cursed mind

words without meaning
touch without feeling
- I did not recognize my own face...
eyes that were once shining - now extinguished

left only a silent cold
sound of a tear falling down
in the desperate hour of loneliness
this shattered heart reaching
for it's relief - the relief it can not find

glance without affection
kiss without sensitivity
promise without comprehension
love without hope - I do not remember my own tale...

betrayed by my anger
betrayed by my beliefs
betrayed by my delusions
betrayed by my lust

I wish..
strength - to be released from my demons

I desire...
wisdom - to forgive the past
- to forgive me

223Perjantai 23.07.2010 02:30

Day 01 - A picture of yourself
Day 02 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 03 - A picture of what you did today
Day 04 - A picture of where you went today
Day 05 - A picture of your morning .
Day 06 - A picture that inspires you
Day 07 - A picture that makes you cry
Day 08 - A picture of yourself
Day 09 - A picture of what you had for lunch
Day 10 - A picture of what you like to do
Day 11 - A picture of your favorite drink
Day 12 - A picture of your favorite food
Day 13 - A picture of your friends
Day 14 - A picture of you and a few friends
Day 15 - A picture of yourself
Day 16 - A picture of your dream cell phone
Day 17 - A picture of your mp3 player
Day 18 - A picture of your room
Day 19 - A picture of your favorite musical instrument(s)
Day 20 - A picture of where you want to honeymoon
Day 21 - A picture that makes you think of your loved
Day 22 - A picture of yourself
Day 23 - A picture that describes your life
Day 24 - A picture of what you did today
Day 25 - A picture that you edited
Day 26 - A picture that makes you angry
Day 27 - A picture of you more than 10 years ago
Day 28 - A picture of what you wore today
Day 29 - A picture of yourself
Day 30 - A picture of you and your best friend

222Torstai 22.07.2010 17:21

koinko kenties valaistuksen? ...EN! vaikka stadicup pissaskin kivasti niin oli khyl aikas kiva reissu :::P enkä tiä yhtän kuka tän on ottanu tai kenen kameralla ja missä tilanteessa tai no toi on toi peli minkä olin suosiopenkkeilijä muttta mitä ihmettä