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Earth was first settled by a race of loathsome beings from beyon space and time known as the "Old Ones"*

(*"The Old Ones are, The Old Ones were, The Old Ones will ever be" (2 Necronomicon 120:3) )

"The old ones genetically engineered humanity to be their slaves ! They held total dominion over all the earth for untold millenia !"

"But the old ones aren´t made of matter. The constellations have to be in the right aligment for them to live. When the stars are right, the old ones are invulnerable and unstoppable."*

(*"That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die."(1 Necro. 15:97) )

"Thousand of years ago, the constellations shifted positions so the old ones could no longer live. They fell asleep, deep under the mountains and seas even great Cthulhu slumbers in his underwater city !"*

(*"In his house at R'lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming." (Rev. of glaaki 8:84) )

"Like housepets that have to fend for themselves in their master´s absence, we human overran the planet and eventually took over our creator´ place as earth´s rulers."






"For when the stars are right again, the Old Ones will arise and reclaim what is rightfully theirs! Humanity will be enslaved once more ......then destroyed!" 

Fuck My LifeSunnuntai 03.10.2010 16:18

Guys, I'm fucking sick of this. I'm almost 20 and haven't been able to score a better job than a fucking cook at a local fast food joint. What makes it worse is that I live in a small town so business is pretty limited, and where I work is the only place that'll hire high school graduates. I'd get the hell out of this town if I could actually drive too, but I've failed every damn test I've ever taken. I'm socially awkward, even my only other co-worker fucking hates my guts. I have repressed lust for one of my best friends too; she's athletic, smart and a gorgeous southern bell. I love her. You know what it's like; I've been friend zoned real hard. She's my only real friend, besides this one kid, who I'm pretty sure is only hanging around me because he is mentally challenged. I guess he's the only one that can tolerate me. And what makes this all fucking worse is that I live in a fucking pineapple under the sea.

TROLOLOLTiistai 28.09.2010 23:51


[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 06.06.2010 14:53

hypnoottistaSunnuntai 30.05.2010 17:22

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 12.05.2010 00:16

kirjota PUSU jos ois pokkaa pussata poskelle PUSIPUSI jos ois pokkaa pussata suulle HALI jos ois pokkaa halata LÄPS jos ois pokkaa lyyä perseelle & jos et vastaa sanon että OOT PELKURI sitten kopioit tämän omaan päiväkirjaasi että pääsen kostamaan ! Yksäril jos ei muute pokkaaa

lukemisen arvoinenTorstai 06.05.2010 00:09

So you think you had a hard childhood? Well fluck you! It's got nothing on mine! My mom practically kicked me out of the house before I was 13 and I never even met my dad. My only friend until I was 10 was this faggot prick next door who would always kick my ass and tell me I wasn't worth shit. It's not like I even had a choice. The town had like 9 flucking people in it, I shit you not! My entire adolescence was about moving from place to place, trying to get along with people who didn't even want me.

You think that's the worse? My only friend was an Asian guy in his thirties or something who only kept me around because he thought I could help him get laid. The only perk was that I also got to hang out with this cute ginger chick, she was flat as a pancake, sure, but damn she was a total nymph! She must have been a sadist because she always took pleasure in hitting me and telling me about how she loves to get wet.

But dear God the bane of my existence was this adult couple that I could NOT avoid! You know the couples that are absolutely sickening... Like they wear matching outfits and finishes each other's sentences? Yeah, they were flucking creepers, and they had a cat, which was at least twice as annoying as they were. I swear this thing would never shut the fluck up!

Like I said, I ended up moving from town to town fighting with other kids my age, and sometimes even adults. The only thing that kept me going was my dream of someday being a Pokemon Master!

kristallimetsä <33Maanantai 26.04.2010 02:22

No oli aika WAU experience ku heräsin sillee niinku lentokentält, kuulu hirveet surinaa ja mörinää. Nousin pystyy ja aloin tsiigaa taivaalle nii sielt oli laskeutumassa vittu Brittish airways. Sielt vittu vilkutti ohjaamosta sata.. Satakakskytn semmost kiinalaist turistii pikkusormillaan, wink wink wink! Sit mä sillee niinku nousin pystyyn ja sanoin et voi vittu et tähä ei laskeuduta mut sit vittu sielt ohjaamosta alko kuuluu vittu Albert Järvisen ääni et "Jimi väistä vittuu siit!" Sit vittu Albert Järvinen sano ohjaamost et mä oon kovempi kitarasankari ku sinä et nyt ei lähe kyl sult enää mitää sooloi. Sit mä menin kristallimetsän läpi ja nyt mä oon tässä."

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 15.03.2010 22:20

ei saatana laittakaa ensin tää soimaan taustalle ha oottakaa et se kappale lähtee

sen jälkeen katotte tän silleen et se musiikki soi taustalla
en tiiä miks helevetissä mut repesin

muutama kysymys päittenne menoksiTiistai 09.02.2010 23:15

eli tossa vähän mietittävää miettikää vastaukset tosissanne

ja sen jälkeen katsokaa vastaukset alhaalta

1) Jos tuntisit naisen joka on raskaana, ja jolla on jo 8
lasta, joista 3 kuuroja, 2 sokeaa, ja yksi jälkeenjäänyt, ja sen
lisäksi naisella on kuppa, suosittelisitko hänelle aborttia ?

2) On aika valita maailman johtaja, ja sinun äänesi
ratkaisee. Tässä faktaa kolmesta pääehdokkaasta:

a) Veljeilee kierojen poliitikkojen ja hännystelijöiden
kanssa, ja käy ennustajalla. Hänellä on ollut 2
rakastajatarta. Hän on ketjupolttaja ja nauttii 8-10
Martinia päivässä.

b) On potkittu virastaan jo kahdesti. Hän nukkuu puoleen
päivään, käytti oopiumia opiskeluaikanaan, ja juo yli
litran viskiä joka ilta.

c) Hän on palkittu sotasankari. Hän on kasvissyöjä, ei
polta, nauttii olutta satunnaisesti, eikä ole
pettänyt vaimoaan kertaakaan.

Kuka heistä on valintasi ?

vastaukset alempana














Ehdokas A oli Franklin D. Roosevelt
Ehdokas B oli Winston Churchill
Ehdokas C oli Adolf Hitler

Ai niin, jos vastasit myöntävästi aborttikysymykseen,
tapoit juuri Beethovenin...
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