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1 year ago..Tiistai 02.09.2008 23:55

1 Year ago I was the luckiest girl on earth..forfilling my dream with moving to Finland. Now I'm back in Sweden. I now have 3 years here..and I'm gonna make them the best 3 years in Sweden.. I love both countries..But I wanna live in now I'm having a looong good-bye sweden party..lasting for 3 years! So come n' join me whenever you want! ;) 2011 I'm back in Turku...or Kuopio..or Juva.. well FINLAND! ;D

Anniina, my cousin rocks! Sucks that my phonebills will be so expensive during theese 3 last party years in Sweden..But I just gotta get some elämänviisautta.. ;)

Turku..Maanantai 04.08.2008 04:14

Summary of my year in Turku 2007- 2008

TURKU -ItÂ’s been great, IÂ’ll surely will miss you!

I have had the greatest time! IÂ’ve met so many new friends..thereÂ’s so many to thank for a great year. IÂ’ve met people from all over the world, Transylvania, Hungary, Slovakia, France, Austria, Italy, Japan, Camerun, India, Australia, Canada, Helsinki and at last but not at least: ALL the wonderful Turku-friends of mine! I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of you! You know who you are and you will forever be in my heart!

We have had so many crazy party’s! So many rockin concerts! I saw Hanoi Rocks 5 times during this year… And all the nights at ROKKIBAARI! All nice memories of the angel, the Indian and ofcourse “Pour some sugar on me”! ;)

ThereÂ’s been upÂ’s and thereÂ’s been downÂ’s. As in life in general. I have loved and I have lost..I was crazy in love and it was wickedly fun. IÂ’m very thankful for the love we shared...but love also has itÂ’s seamy side.. IÂ’m sorry for all the stupid things IÂ’ve done when I was all parts involved: SORRY!

During the year I have learnt so much about myself and about life in general. People I have met has affected me a lot. ThereÂ’s things from my year in Turku that I will always carry with me in the future.
I left Turku with so many tears..I cried a river..It hurt so bad to leave all my friends. And it hurt so much to kind of give up my dream to live in my other home country. But Finland is close to Sweden..and I will be back! Hopefully already next summer..and then in 2011 IÂ’ll move to Turku for the rest of my life! But right now IÂ’m going to try to rock Uppsala and Sweden again..Everybody Ready?!?

Thanks to all beautiful souls around the world! Rock-Love-Respect to you all!

last days...Tiistai 29.07.2008 03:27

Minut ympäröin tyhjyydellä
jotta voisin nähdä
Jotta oppisin itse
mitä tunnen
Ja tietäisin sen
Nyt on mentävä yksin
pitää ilman varjoo
Osan jäätävä taakse
jotta toinen
voi loppuun löytää

Tätä hetkeä kartoin,
tätä väistin,
tätä niin pelkäsin
Sen on tultava loppuun
Nyt on aika

Tähän päättyy
paljon hyvää,
paljon kaunista
Jonka raajat
kuolleet on
Tän täytyy
mennä näin
Vaikka tahtoisin
koittaa säilyttää
Mutta tiedän
et on turhaa
Armoo viivyttää

Pahat enteet
kaiken täyttää
Niin tuskaisen läsnä
joka hetki
vaikka pään pois kääntää
Vaikka sulkisi silmät
kuva säilyy
eikä mee minnekään
Muttei silti
tule luo
vaan tuijottaa tuijottamistaan

Tämä tie
meidät kaataa
Ei voi jatkaa
Ei voi olla näin
Sen on tultava loppuun
Nyt on aika

Tähän päättyy
paljon hyvää,
paljon kaunista
Jonka raajat
kuolleet on
Tän täytyy
mennä näin
Vaikka tahtoisin
koittaa säilyttää
Mutta tiedän
et on turhaa
Armoo viivyttää

It's called...Tiistai 18.03.2008 23:37

It's called a breakup because it's broken...

Edith SödergranTiistai 11.03.2008 01:28

Dagen svalnar...


Dagen svalnar mot kvällen...
Drick värmen ur min hand,
min hand har samma blod som våren.
Tag min hand, tag min vita arm,
tag mina smala axlars längtan...
Det vore underligt att känna,
en enda natt, en natt som denna,
ditt tunga huvud mot mitt bröst.


Du kastade din kärleks röda ros
i mitt vita sköte -
jag håller fast i mina heta händer
din kärleks röda ros som vissnar snart...
O du härskare med kalla ögon,
jag tar emot den krona du räcker mig,
som böjer ned mitt huvud mot mitt hjärta...


Jag såg min herre för första gången i dag,
darrande kände jag genast igen honom.
Nu känner jag ren hans tunga hand på min lätta arm...
Var är mitt klingande jungfruskratt,
min kvinnofrihet med högburet huvud?
Nu känner jag ren hans fasta grepp om min skälvande kropp,
nu hör jag verklighetens hårda klang
mot mina sköra sköra drömmar.


Du sökte en blomma
och fann en frukt.
Du sökte en källa
och fann ett hav.
Du sökte en kvinna
och fann en själ -
du är besviken.

-Edith Södergran

...Perjantai 25.01.2008 02:08

Your life could turn around
You ain't the same anymore
Say goodbye
To the life that you have known
You ain't the same any more

Some people like to bury it all
And the pain remains inside
You might wake up one day
And nuthin' seems to be the same
If you've lost yer own way
Then it's nice to blame it on fate

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 11.01.2007 18:52

Avaa soitinohjelmasi ja pistä sekoitus käyttöön. Listaa 50 biisiä, jotta saamme tietää mitä kuuntelet. Laske lopuksi mikä bändi puskee eniten esille ja haasta neljä kaveriasi tekemään sama.

Älä huijaa!

1. Rock n' roll children- Dio
2. Sleeping with lions- The 69 eyes
3. No parade at the end of the drain- Hybrid Children
4. Until I get you- Hanoi Rocks
5. Straight trough the heart- Dio
6. Todella Jossain - Apulanta
7. Friends - Backyard Babies
8. The Stand - Silver
9. Rockin' all over the world - Status Quo
10. Crazy - Aerosmith
11. White Wedding - Billy Idol
12. Kill the popscene - Towers of London
13. Other side - Aerosmith
14. I can't change - Hardcore Superstar
15. Raw Power - Iggy & the Stooges
16. Rainbow in the dark - Dio
17. In search for 1 - In Flames
18. Wrap your troubles in dreams - The 69 eyes
19. Show no mercy - W.A.S.P
20. Gothic girl - The 69 eyes
21. Know who you are - Slade
22. Sad day - Electric boys
23. Sinners' night mister morning - Negative
24. Groovus Maximus - Electric boys
25. Quite Intoxicated - Maryslim
26. Hard Rock Hallelujah - Lordi
27. Fading yourself - Negative
28. Thrill me - Mike Monroe
29. Sharpshooter - Electric Boys
30. Underwater world - Hanoi Rocks
31. Zillion Dollar Sadist - Turbonegro
32. Walk on water - Aerosmith
33. Tv eye - The 69 eyes
34. Lonely planet boy - New York Dolls
35. Long live rock n'roll - Rainbow
36. The Quiet place - In Flames
37. Without you - Mötley Crüe
38. It's so true - Hardcore Superstar
39. Fisheye - Apocalyptica
40. Air Guitar - Towers of London
41. Something to rise - Maryslim
42. Taxi Driver - Hanoi Rocks
43. Under the rose - Him
44. Knokk' em down - Crash Diet
45. I could have been a dreamer - Dio
46. One man against the world - Rozzy Randall & the Roller bastards
47. Get down & get with it - Slade
48. Coz I luv you - Slade
49. Metropolis - Motörhead
50. We're not gonna take it - Twisted Sister

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 11.01.2007 02:57

1. Hanoi Rocks
2. Cancer Dancer
3. Wreckless Machine
4. Negative
5. New York Dolls
6. Backyard babies
7. Hardcore Superstar
8. Crash Diet
9. The 69 eyes
10. Smack

-What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
Making enemies is good

-What is your favorite album of 8?
They just have Rest in sleaze

-What is your favorite lyric that 5 has sung?
Runnin' around

-How many times have you seen 4 live?

-What's your favorite song of 7?

-What is a good memory you have considering the music of 10?
Don't have any good memories...haha :P

-Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?
Wreckless Machine makes me happy! :D

-What is your favorite lyric that 2 has sung?
Guss singing Don't you ever leave me...whispering in my ear... ;)

-What is your favorite song by 9?
Wrap your troubles in dreams

-How did you get in to 3?
Well the swedish communuty "Helgon"...all swedish glamrockers are haning there...where talking with Stisse and then I was arraning this concert and they wanted a gig...Now it's all history and the WM-boys are really good friends of mine! :)

-What was the first song you heard by 1?
Tragedy? Maybe?

-What is your favorite song by 4?
Sinners night mistery morning

-How many times have you seen 9 live?
4... But I have meet the boys a couple of times in some bars in Stockholm ;)

-What is a good memory you have concerning 2?
Well my birthday... ;)

-Is there a song of 8 that makes you sad?
well...all of them in one way..I think of David and his family... he's missing for so many...A miracle is just so good!

-What is your favorite album of 5?
New york dolls

-What is your favorite lyric that 3 has sung?
Take me for a ride.

-What is your favorite song of 1?
Tragedy and Cafe Acenue! :)

What a kiss means...Torstai 04.01.2007 04:57

what a kiss means....actually read the whole thing cause its nice

+Kiss on the stomach = Im ready
+Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we're together forever"
+Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything
+Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends"
+Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you"
+Kiss on the Neck = "we belong together"
+Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you"
+Kiss on the Lips = I love you"

What the gesture means...
+Holding Hands = "we definitely love each other"
+Slap on the Butt = "That's mine"
+Holding on tight = "i don't want to let go"
+Looking into each other's Eyes = "i just plain love you"
+Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me"
+Arms around the Waist = "I love you too much to let go"
+Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you"

+ Dont ask for a kiss, take one.
+If you were thinking about someone while reading this,
you're definitely in Love.

+Post this again after reading!!
Or you will have a bad year of Relationships.

If you LIKE, LOVE, OR MISS someone right now
and can't get them out of your head
then Re-post this within One Minute and Whoever you are missing will surprise you.
Repost this as "what a kiss means"

I'm so fucking pissed off!Maanantai 31.07.2006 01:45

My old friends has been talking about me... and how the rock is killing me. What a fuck?!? Rock n' roll is a part of me and if they don't understand, Fuck off, you're not my friend!

"But, hey, it's to much rock all the time. Be careful or you'll end up like a 40 year old junkie at the bar" FUCK YOU! Rock can never be to much. And whats the problem with sitting at a bar and listen to great music? Whats your problem?

" Maria, you're a ambitious girl, take care of that and don't let the rockmusic kill the flame you got." What a hell? Where did you think I got the flame from? And hey I'm working at two jobs. During the last year I've arranged 4-5 concerts/festivals so don't you worry!

I'm a rocker 247. I'm not gonna stop. If you don't get it, just let me be and fuck off!!!
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