In a town near Kandahar, a woman lived, called Barbara. Barbara was famous for her rhabarberkuchen (rhubarb-cake) in the whole country. Because everyone liked eating Barbaras rhabarber-cake. She was called rhabarberbarbara. Rhabarberbarbara had got a idea to make money with her rhabarber-cake. So she opened a bar The Rhabarberbarbarabar. Of course Barbara had got clients in her rhabarberbarbarabar. The most famous were 3 babarien. They were so many times in the rhabarberbarbarabar, to eat rhabarbaras rhabarber-cake, that they were called the rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarien. The rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarien had got nice beards. If the Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarien had to shave off the rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarienbeards, they went to the barbier. After his works he was called the Rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarienbeardshave he went with the rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarien in to the rhabarberbarbarabar to eat with the rhabarberbarbarabarbarbarien the rhabarber-cake of rhabarberbarbara.