
[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 29.04.2009 11:20

hi all family my name is mustafa from Turkey

<3<33<34<<456 eeehMaanantai 27.04.2009 15:37

11:22 Jenna: yes, how are you today?

11:22 Mete: I don't feel well

11:23 Jenna: oh :(:( that's not good... are you maybe going to get flu?

11:23 Mete: this morning at the lecture I saw the girl I love, who rejected me last week, she totally fucked my day

11:24 Jenna: oh, that sucks :(:(

11:24 Mete: I'm like a combination of all the good things that define a nice guy, like a complete package, but she doesn't see
girls are running after me, but there's only one girl I have in my mind
I dont care about the rest

11:29Jenna: have you talked with this girl someday? or just watched

11:29 Mete: she's been a friend for 5 months, but just a girl I knew, last 2 weeks I've realized I have feelings for her
last week after a morning lecture, I went to her and said I had 2 tickets for the theater in the evening, and if she would like to come with me
she said it'd be nice, she'll think and call me back, I waited and waited and waited but nothing... then I was going to see the show myself, I stopped at a coffee at the campus
saw her with her friends, asked why she didn't let me know she wasn't coming
she said she made other plans with her girls, she doesn't care a fuck about me, she could've at least let me know she was not coming
she's so rude

11:36 Mete: you pretty much get the point

11:38 Jenna: oh, yes :(:( im sorry, she does wrong
im sure you will find some other nice girl

11:38Mete: Jenna
you look like a nice girl
Would you be my girlfriend?

11:39 Jenna: haha :D:D i think we have too much kilometers between us

11:39 Mete: it's the feeling that matters

2. keskustelu kuvassssa lehmä by jugzuSunnuntai 26.04.2009 05:13

jenna sanoo (1:52):
jugo, sää voit olla mimmi lehmän ja variksen vene

Olet juuri lähettänyt herätteen.

Kata sanoo (1:53):

Kata on juuri lähettänyt sinulle herätteen.

Kata on juuri lähettänyt sinulle herätteen.

Jugo on juuri lähettänyt sinulle herätteen.

Kata on juuri lähettänyt sinulle herätteen.

Jugo sanoo (1:53):
miät vittua :D

Olet juuri lähettänyt herätteen.

Jugo sanoo (1:53):
jenna vetäny taas buranaa vahvempaa.
jenna sanoo (1:53):
enpäs lol
Kata sanoo (1:53):
ei oo
jenna sanoo (1:53):
saa kai sitäehdottaa sua veneeks vaiks mittä ois vetäny
Jugo sanoo (1:53):
kuka o mimmi lehmä
Kata sanoo (1:54):
Jugo sanoo (1:54):
ja varis??
Kata sanoo (1:54):
jenna sanoo (1:54):
Kata sanoo (1:54):
mää väris
jenna sanoo (1:54):
Kata sanoo (1:54):
Jugo sanoo (1:54):
aa joo
sen oot näkönenki
jenna sanoo (1:54):
tai voit olla onki
Jugo sanoo (1:54):
Kata sanoo (1:54):
jenna sanoo (1:54):
Jugo sanoo (1:54):
en oo onki
jenna sanoo (1:54):
Jugo sanoo (1:54):
enkä venekkää.
jenna sanoo (1:54):
Jugo sanoo (1:54):
oon pesäpallomaila.
jenna sanoo (1:54):
aha no si me päätetä katzun kans
Kata sanoo (1:54):
se on onki
jenna sanoo (1:54):
Kata sanoo (1:54):
jos ei tuu kalaa
katkastaa onki
Jugo sanoo (1:54):
ennemmä mä kyl oon onki ku vene.
Kata sanoo (1:54):
heitetää menee
Jugo sanoo (1:54):
jos oisin vene te tallooisitte mua ja oisin alla :(
jenna sanoo (1:54):
Kata sanoo (1:54):
tehää sama jugol
jenna sanoo (1:54):
onki tikku
Jugo sanoo (1:54):
saa tulla koittaa, ei haittaa et voi voittaa!
jenna sanoo (1:55):
Jugo sanoo (1:55):
panikoi toi nainen tota puolikuollutta

jenna sanoo (1:55):
Kata sanoo (1:56):
jenna sanoo (1:56):
Kata sanoo (1:56):
stfu onki
jenna sanoo (1:56):
Jugo sanoo (1:56):
jenna sanoo (1:56):
Jugo sanoo (1:56):
jenna sanoo (1:56):
Jugo sanoo (1:56):
tää onki puhuu :)
jenna sanoo (1:56):

Olet juuri lähettänyt herätteen.

Kata kirjoittaa:

Kata sanoo (1:56):
sii on jugo
jenna sanoo (1:56):
Mimmi Lehmä ei ole mikään tavallinen lehmä, sillä se haluaa oppia sukeltamaan, tanssimaan balettia ja tekemään kaikkea muuta kivaa. Ja Mimmi on ikionnellinen kun tapaa Variksen - onhan kaksin aina monin verroin hauskempaa! Asiassa on vain pieni probleema; Varis ei halua alkaa ystäväksi lehmälle, varsinkaan niin eriskummalliselle yksilölle kuin Mimmi...

Jugo kirjoittaa:

jenna sanoo (1:57):
hhyvää päivää
Jugo sanoo (1:57):
sen oot näkönenki...
jenna sanoo (1:57):
toi ei taaskaa ollu sillee
onki onkii
Kata sanoo (1:57):
jenna sanoo (1:57):
pääs ki
jenna sanoo (1:58):
Jugo sanoo (1:58):
siiin on jenna.
jenna sanoo (1:58):
Jugo sanoo (1:58):
tää onki piirtää
sillä tämä onki ei ole normaali vaan hänellä on erityiskykyjä!
jenna sanoo (1:58):
Jugo sanoo (1:58):
on sil nyt
jenna sanoo (1:58):
älä sää ala
Jugo sanoo (1:58):
en alakaa
jenna sanoo (1:58):
ei oo nyt

1. keskusteluSunnuntai 26.04.2009 05:07

jenna sanoo (1:50):
ps si ku TOD mennää skanssii ni mennää sen jälkee leffaa kattoo "postia pappi jaakobille"
kuulostaa hyvält
hmmm vai mimmi lehmä ja varis
Kata sanoo (1:50):
jenna sanoo (1:51):
sorg :((
ei saa unohtaa varist
Kata sanoo (1:51):
joo se mennää
nii ei saa
oo sää se lehmä ni mää varis
jenna sanoo (1:51):
Mimmi Lehmä ei ole mikään tavallinen lehmä, sillä se haluaa oppia sukeltamaan, tanssimaan balettia ja tekemään kaikkea muuta kivaa. Ja Mimmi on ikionnellinen kun tapaa Variksen - onhan kaksin aina monin verroin hauskempaa! Asiassa on vain pieni probleema; Varis ei halua alkaa ystäväksi lehmälle, varsinkaan niin eriskummalliselle yksilölle kuin Mimmi...
tod :D:D:D
Kata sanoo (1:51):
jenna sanoo (1:54):
timppa oois hyvä onki :D:D:DD
Kata sanoo (1:55):
jenna sanoo (1:55):
oho kaks onkee
Míša: bude hrát na Skřítka Hajáska :-P A doufá, že vyhraje:D

Jenna: si vyhrál? :D

Míša: Do you know what does it mean?:)) And yes, VYHRÁLA JSEM :D:D:D

Jenna: maybe :D oh, blahopřejeme!

Míša: VYHRÁLA JSI? is DID YOU WIN (female)?:) For man is VYHRÁL JSI (without terminal A)... And thank you:))) I like you, you are awesome!:D

Jenna: oh sorryyyy, you really aren't man :( i like you too :) these he/she and vyhrál/vyhrála are really hard for me :F because in finnish it is more simple :D i think... because he/she = hän, it's the same. but anyway, wuhuu, now im smarter than a moment ago! :))

Míša: I know, it´s very hard:) But it´s fantastic, what do you do:D How do you read HÄN? Similar as in German? How can I say: I LIKE YOU, I LOVE YOU, YOU ARE NICE?:) I know only SUOMI, but don´t know how to tell it:))

Jenna: omg this system didn't tell me that you put a new message to this :( you can read it just like i wrote it :D im not sure is it like that in germany too. do you want that i tell you how you can say these phrases in finnish? :F i understand its like this. So: I like you = Minä pidän sinusta, I love you = Minä rakastan sinua, You are nice = Sinä olet kiva :) tell me if you mean something else :D

Míša: Yay:) Thanks:) But this sign "¨" means something, doesn´t it? English isn´t said as written, you don´t tell NICE as N I C E :) So MINÄ is said M I N A?:)

Jenna: oh yes, "¨" that is like AE, i mean Ä = AE :D do you know ae...? "So MINÄ is said M I N A?:)" <- you're right :D

Míša: Wow:) I can speak finnish:D:D:D You´ve learned it me!:))

Jenna: oh, great if you get it :D and i can speak czech! now i can travel to czech republic republic and walk everywhere and just say "vyhrál/a jsem?" :)) and they would look at me like crazy! awww

Míša: Yes, you can!:) You also know BLAHOPŘEJEME:D And I will say Minä rakastan sinua:))) It´s beautiful imagine:)))
But in fact - you are welcome, we will be your guides:D But only in Czech language:D:D:D And my boyfrien says, that you have to bring a lot of postcards:D:D:D

Jenna: yesss :D and thanks! so, don't be amazed if you will find me in front of your door, after 10 years :D i can take postcards and some buns with me! :)

Míša: You are welcome much more because of buns:D:D:D And if you can bake buns or cakes, you will have to stay forever:D:D:D

Jenna: haha :D thanks! i just bake a cake last weekend, and muffins about week ago... :D

Míša: Stop with it, I´m hungry:D:D:D I love muffins:) And school of data processing is here in the CR, too, so... I don´t see a problem :D:D:D

Jenna: oh, perfect :D it would be great to study data processing in czech!

Míša: Realy?:D

Jenna: jistě! já mluví česky velmi dobře :) a mám rád počítače! Učitelé by chtěl o mě, jestliže já Mluvím s nimi Finština

Míša: Tak jo, zítra Tě čekáme!:)))))
Small present for you;)

Jenna: mi a buchty? :D
pokud já tam přišel na návštěvu, budete tuku :(

Míša: No TUKU, but TLUSTÝ :D Like Midow:D:D:D
And we have got fast metabolism :D:D:D

Jenna: oh yes, like midow :DD that's great!

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 23.04.2009 01:08

moi nukuin bussis ku olin tulos kotti

si pääsin kotti ja söin

si nukuin

si katoin salkkarit

ja si nukuin taas

sen jälkee katoin greyn anatomian ja söin

ja ny meen taas nukkuu

JÄNNÄäää oli salee jännempi päivä ku muil
"My boyfriend would like to know, if you have got computers even in WCs?
We are very laughing because of your moving"

"Aaaaaw, I imagine you with a long, long wire;) It must be so sweet :))"

":D You are small rougue :)"

"Oh no, without computer? How it possible???? :F
Don´t forgot your wire;)"

"OMG! So you must study fast... 15 minutes are enough, aren´t?:D
What is name of your school? My boyfriend use Goggle earth, so we will see you:)))))))"

opiskelenki diipadaaaapaTiistai 21.04.2009 16:26


oh, you show your profile too :D:D haha



You should study!!! :D:D:D:D

...and not check everything on FB :D:D

...but yes, I did :


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 20.04.2009 14:31

moi puhun kroatialaisen kans, jonka kissa on homo

emt mist löydän näit jännii ihmisii

ainii eile puhuin jonq öö...... lontoolaise huumediilerin kans, ei sii mitää, OK......... ei se ite kuulemma käytä, mut sanos et se saa hyvät rahat siit.........ja ne kamat tulee norjast

ASDADSDSADSD reilupeliSunnuntai 19.04.2009 20:55

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi
You: where r u from
Stranger: Hey
You: huhuu
Stranger: London
Stranger: You?
You: nice
You: im from finland

You: huhuuu
You: yhyy
You: im not crying
You: really
You: im not an alien

Stranger: Lol, What?
Stranger: asl, if you don't mind me asking =]
You: :( are you an alien?
Stranger: I am
You: cool
You: im 16 and 16 and 18 / f f f / finland
You: and finland finland
You: huhuu
You: i like coocies
Stranger: Heh, 18, 18, 18, male, male, male, London, London, London :]
You: *cookies
You: okay nice, you really are an alien
Stranger: But east too much and you get fat =o
You: im really fat
Stranger: eat*
You: my weight is 9375
Stranger: Liez
You: and I`m 90 cm long
You: * +kg

Stranger: Whay are you so... er... "special" :]
You: because my father is hitler
You: and my mommy was a giraff
You: huhuu
You: ^____^
You: i love puppies

Stranger: Wow, I like I love you :]
You: i love you too
You: will you marry me?
Stranger: Sure, you comming to London then?
You: no, you have to go to finland, here is really cold and you can`t see sun never
You: huhuu
You: i have a penguin
Stranger: Boo, I love the sun
You: no, you love me!
Stranger: I love penguins tho
Stranger: And you, of course :]
You: yippeeee!

You: i have a zoo
You: diipadaapa
You: i have 37 cats and 7 grandfather
Stranger: Thats nice
You: huhuu
You: how many zoo you have?
Stranger: Only 5
Stranger: I own London Zoo
You: Oh, really, you`re rich then?
Stranger: Yessir
You: ooooooh, how rich?
You: i have no money

Stranger: Very rich
You: i have 78025702572057+25+25 billion euros
Stranger: I'll buy you a Unicorn
Stranger: :]
You: wow, thanks, can i have a pink one?
Stranger: Sure

You: you will have then my father, hitler, you remember?
Stranger: Yeah, I'm a big fan
You: nice
You: huhuuu
Stranger: Have you got myspace or anything?
You: no, i haven`t even computer!
Stranger: Damn girl
Stranger: Need to speed up with the times
You: have you facebook profile?
Stranger: Negative

Stranger: Brb 2 secs, need to get dressed :]
You: aaaaaaaaargh, you sucks!
You: okay
You: Okay, you`re naked now?

Stranger: Well, yeah. Wearing a towl though
You: oooh
You: huhuu
You: you need to go facebook and make a profile
Stranger: I'm gonna make one later today, send me a link to yours and I'll bookmark it for later

You: search Mira ********, Jenna ******** and Emilia ****** xD
Stranger: -.-
You: Here is three person, me, my sister and my cousin

Stranger: Just link me to yours silly
You: I`m mira
You: im jenna
You: im emilia
You: i, mira, ask you to marry me!

Stranger: Thats incredibly lame
You: :D
Stranger: Just link me missy!
You: wait a minute
You: that`s mira`s
Stranger: Is that you?
You: it was mira

You: and
You: that's jenna
Stranger: link doesn't work
You: oh :(
You: try this
Stranger: doesn't work
Stranger: You're Mira, you said
Stranger: So thats you?

You: write and search "Mira *********"
You: it's just one mira ******** there
Stranger: And which one might you be?
You: mira ********
Stranger: Which one out of the big list of people
You: there is only one me
You: i have pink hair
Stranger: Eww, butters
You: and im from finland

You: Mira *********
You: if you found many mira ********, you didn't write it right
Stranger: I found you, pink hair yes?
You: GREAT :)))))
You: huhuu
You: so..... next one?

Stranger: ok?
You: you found the first
Stranger: yes
You: then search "Jenna ********"
You: she's writing now here
Stranger: Shes hawt :]
You: this
You: something
You: hawt
You: ???

Stranger: Hot
You: what that means
You: lol
You: then. the third! are you ready
Stranger: Cute, pretty, etc. lol
Stranger: yeah
You: are you ready for the third
You: okay

You: search "Emilia ******", but she hasn't own picture on it
You: yet
You: it's only manga picture on it
Stranger: I see it
You: great
Stranger: Your the pink hair one right?
You: yes
Stranger: Your ugly :[ Jenna is sexy :]
You: now we have to go. Bye bye

Stranger: haha
You: thanks
Stranger: Fatty
You: .........a lot :(
Stranger: What a loser
Stranger: Bai!
You have disconnected.