In these past two years, we kept running without any obstacles to stop us.
We supported each other and overcame countless occasions of hardship.
After we saw Jasmine off to the hospital, we went to the Nippon Budoukan.
The five of us, who played concerts at Shibuya C.C. Lemon Hall and were granted our wish of a major debut, made it our objective to play there next.
The moment the four of us climbed the stairs that day, it begain to rain in huge drops.
We had a feeling that he had come there for us.
We promised that one day, we'd certainly stand onstage here together. That was the number one thing he wanted, wasn't it?
Beyond the present, we still haven't been able to think about anything, but we do know this--we cannot give up the dream that the five of us talked together about.
Our tears haven't stopped yet, and we believe that someday, Jasmine will shine down upon us.
Even though we as well as his fans feel sad right now, we also feel the greatness of his achievements. Jasmine will continue living on in the hearts of everyone who knew him from this point forward.
After this, please support people all over the world as if they were Jasmine You.
If the fans who loved Jasmine can hold his purpose and his wishes dear to them, he'll be happy.
(krediitit käännöksestä Lisa @
Toi oli jotenkin surullinen ;___; Mutta oon tosi ilonen että Versailles jatkaa! Toivon että ne pääsee pian Budokanille soittamaan<3