


havent been here in over 6 monthS!! MAYBE like 2 years actually :D

EIKÄ!!!!Lauantai 28.07.2007 19:03

I am humble when I thank all my fans for voting me to the number 1 spot @ YLEX 'himotuimmat' chart. This is JUST AMAZING! Amazing!I Thank you! ' The chart is packed with the biggest stars in the planet and I went number one. YOU ALL DESERVE A BIG FUCKING HUG!

you can view the chart here

I hope you all keep voting for me in the coming weeks; it will be hard due to some big BIG BIG names climbing the chart , Finnish 'HIM' is coming up with two singles and 'Nightwish' with their new swedish lead singer....

So keep requesting CRISTAL CLEAR; VOTE VOTE VOTE. .. I i'd love to stay in the top ten for a few weeks at least. (vote on the link below)

AND should you wanna own the single you can get it at ITUNES where they carry all Cristal Snow's releases so far, Go get it :D I think it's worldwide!

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