


you're such a glorious headfuck thing

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119 days - Forever Now ♥Sunnuntai 08.11.2009 14:11

I look up
There are dark flames comin' down
My parachute
Can bring me back to the ground
I lose my faith
When I watch the fadin' lights
Just your shadows touch
Makes me feel alive

Everybody shout
Celebrate it loud

Forever now
Forever now

I walk the streets
They are hard, cold, sad and true
Don't lose your way
I am here with you


Forever today
Forever tonight
Reset your eyes
Erase your mind
I will never let you down
Join me forever now
Forever now

Let's run into the pourin' rain
To feel that we're alive again

Whisper me
All your secrets
Whisper me
All my secrets
Whisper me
All your secrets
Whisper me
Celebrate it loud

Forever today
Forever tonight
Reset your eyes
Erase your mind
I will never let you down
Join me forever now
Forever now

Let's run into the pourin' rain
To feel that we're alive again

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