


napin taakse ja sauna ottaan.

IT (käpy)Maanantai 07.01.2008 13:04

Is there something after you,
Something after you?
Is there something after you?
Will it get you?
Can you feel the panic in you,
Feel the panic in you?
Can you feel the panic in you?
Will it break you?

Coming from within, Taking over,
Symptoms of an everlasting...


Is there someone following you,
Someone following you?
Is there someone following you?
Are you dreaming?
Is someone taking your life from you,
Taking your life from you?
Is someone taking your life from you?
Are you dying?

Coming from within,
Taking over,
Symptoms of an everlasting...


(Kyolla ei oo asian kans kyl mitään tekemistä mutta samase.)

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