


Vaikee ja vittumainen, mut silti niin ihana

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 03.05.2009 16:08

when the sun began to set.
a little behind her sisters
was the last sunray.
the darkness began to settle.
the golden winged sunray
was about to fly out of its way
but then she saw a little goblin
come across her way.
he had just arisen from his cave.
you see, before the sun sets
the goblin will never
be able to live on the face of the earth.

they stared at each other
and the goblin felt something starge warm up his chest
he said:
"You're burning my eyes"
"but never in my lifetime"
"have i seen anything so beautiful"
"it doesn't matter if your shining makes me go blind"
"I'm comfortable living in the dark."
"come with me and I'll show you the way to my cave"
"and I'll take you as my wife."

the sunray answered:
"My darling goblin"
"darkness will take my life"
"and I don't wish for death."

"I've got to go away now"
"If I don't reach the light soon"
"I won't live for a second longer."

And so the beautiful sunray left
but till this day
When the goblin wanders all alone
He Wonders:
"why one of us is a child of light?"
"While other one loves the night."

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