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..aahhhaa :D Torstai 01.01.2009 15:07

kiva tietää että mä olen keksinyt juorun, ku en oo keidenkää vehmaalaisten kaa edes puhunu :
turhaan mua syytätte, voisitte samal sit kertoo että mitä oon keksiny.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 31.12.2008 01:50

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 24.12.2008 04:47

8DDTorstai 18.12.2008 18:02

enggua. okei. ylläpidolla taas hauskaa?

autsSunnuntai 23.11.2008 02:23

William Controlii oli aika pahasti haukuttu 8D

Parhaat palat:

- Oh this is just great, a fucking spoken word thing. wiL seems to be talking about how everyone hates him but wait now heÂ’s talking about how heÂ’s ready to have sex a lot.
- This is the dumbest thing ever, oh my god. “Ponder, was that shudder the same shudder that he sensed?” This is awesome because it makes you think of wiL being naked with a three-inch erection.
- A bunch of industrial noises peppered up with women moaning and then telling wiL to do it harder and then wiL starts moaning. ItÂ’s probably the most disturbingly hilarious thing ever. He still sounds sort of like the guy from Interpol. Sigh.
- “Fat Aiden bass player, I told you to stay away from here” but fat Aiden bass player pretends to ignore him so wiL just lets sleeping dogs lie because the bassist is really the unstoppable Juggernaut from the X-Men comic book series (copyright, Marvel Comics).
- Female vocals in the chorus, maybe itÂ’s that fat chick from Cradle of Filth. Jesus Christ, I wish somebody would tranquilize me so I donÂ’t have to hear this song. HOT-CHA!
-I can only imagine the kind of people who would show at a William Control concert. Fat chicks, I bet. IÂ’m sure they would bring glowsticks and ecstasy and have a RAVING good time, haha!!!! I might have to buy a ticket if he comes near my area so I can fill a water bottle up with piss and throw it at him.
-Play, fatty! Come back to me!
-I imagine wiL saying the name of this song in a German accent, so he sort of says it like, “The Whipping HAAUUSSHHHH.” I don’t know.
-More girls moaning in this song in the intro. Wait, theyÂ’re still moaning. I think theyÂ’re going to be there for the whole song, all distorted and whatnot in the background. ThatÂ’s pretty sexist, if anything they should be in the foreground, or at least at the same level in the mix as wiL.
-Holy shit a car alarm or something just started playing and it scared the hell out of me. Oh itÂ’s a 911 call about wiL being a creeper and coming to some old ladyÂ’s door and then she starts screaming and thatÂ’s the end of the song.

Final analysis: worse than an Aiden record.

repsLauantai 22.11.2008 22:09

22.11.2008 18:59 <littlethings> aww söpö ja tyhmää ajatella sua hameessa.
22.11.2008 19:53 <Rauska> : D näytät jotenki oudolta hameessa. . .
22.11.2008 19:53 <Rauska> + pöllin sun julisteet >8D
22.11.2008 19:58 <bboom> oohooo, onks sulla hame ?! :OO

yippee!Lauantai 22.11.2008 02:25

Anssi sanoo:
tajusin vasta että ton albumin nimi on hate culture ei halt culture
Salla sanoo:
Mitä tarkottaa halt?
Anssi sanoo:
emt XD siks mieitnki
Salla sanoo:
1. seisake
2. seisaus

Salla sanoo:
Salla sanoo:
Anssi sanoo:
Anssi sanoo:
Seisoke kulttuuri

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 26.10.2008 18:44

Kenen kaverilistalla oon? Ilmoittakaa :--)

:-------DKeskiviikko 22.10.2008 00:46

Pauliina sanoo:
Salla sanoo:
Pauliina sanoo:
Salla sanoo:
Sä sit oot paukutin.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 19.10.2008 22:07

Miten niin ihana voi olla niin pelottava?