


long live the car crash hearts ❤ believers never die

.Lauantai 17.10.2009 19:05

ai saatana! älkää tökäkkö sormeenne uuniritilään kun se on just ollu päälle puolituntia 200 asteisessa uunissa. sattuu....

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw <333Lauantai 17.10.2009 18:41

long live the car crash heartsPerjantai 16.10.2009 23:50

believers never die

(itkenkö edes....)

.Perjantai 16.10.2009 23:00

tunnen itteni tosi suosituks kun dailybooth sendailee mulle paljon emaileja.

random quote #197Perjantai 16.10.2009 22:56

"being a news reader is a lot harder than it looks like. not only do i have to know how to read, i also have to have the ability to pause...... dramatically in the middle of the sentences"

.Perjantai 16.10.2009 19:57

i think i've officially gone crazy.

(and i still can't spell crazy... why the hell i always spell it with a 'g')
(which reminded me of the awesome lyrics of holiday parade's success story (i think) "i still spell 'confusion' with a 'k'" and that's so awesome 'coz it has totally nothing to do with the other lyrics, it's just so random.)
(and i think i'm blabbering again)
(love that word btw)

random quote #196Perjantai 16.10.2009 19:25

"this is the last straw!"
"i don't know captain. this, is the last straw! i used the rest to turn jj into a walrus"

..Perjantai 16.10.2009 19:22

Kirjoita etunimesi (ÄLÄ KORJAA VIRHEITÄ!)
ja haasta sitten 3 valitsemaasi kaveria.
silmätkiinni: suvi
kyynärpäällä: suvi
nenällä: suvi
leualla: zju vk
varpaalla: suvbi
kantapäällä: ssuuivbk
kännykällä: suvi
nyrkillä: suvi

random quote #195Perjantai 16.10.2009 02:25

"there's 20900 people in our living room again..."
"are they staying for dinner?"

.Perjantai 16.10.2009 02:20

britti-, irkku- ja aussiaksentti <333