


alaston taivaankappale

...Lauantai 01.08.2009 15:29

random casen aikaansaama pään hakkaaminen seinään aiheuttaa sisäistä verenvuotoa sydämen seudulle... ei muuta

...Perjantai 24.07.2009 15:13

"Tiedätkö sen tunteen, kun koko ihminen on semmonen yks solmu? Eikä oikeen tiiä kuka sen solmun vois aukasta..."

"Ei sitä solmua voi avata kukaan muu, ku sä ite... nyt annat mennä täysiä, me ollaan kaikki susta ylpeitä"


...Torstai 23.07.2009 05:18

Nyt mä haluun edes pieneks hetkeks vaan opetella päästämään irti... antaa mennä... mä en haluu,et muhun sattuu, mä en jaksa sitä...

no eihän kukaan jaksa... no daa! taas olin itsekäs

nyt on semmonen seinä edessä, että ei vaan energia taida riittää sen yli kiipeemiseen... varsinkaan, kun tää samainen seinä on ollu tossa jo niin pirun kauan,että luulis jo pikku hiljaa siitä katoavan...

KiinnipitovelvollinenTiistai 14.07.2009 02:43

Halusin vain pistäytyä kertomaan
Että olen rakastunut
Lakannut pelkäämästä
En voi viipyä pitkään
Joten pidä tiukasti kiinni

Tässä sinun turvassasi
Pidättelen viimeistä henkäystä
Ajatus kauniista rappiosta
Valo päättyy tänä yönä

Etsi minua valkoisesta metsästä
Hauraiden esineiden seasta
Kaipaan utuista talvea
Kyynelistäsi maistan
Sinun kuulevan lopunodotuksen

Tässä sinun turvassasi
Pidättelen viimeistä henkäystä
Ajatus kauniista rappiosta
Valo päättyy tänä yönä

Pink - HeartbreakerTiistai 14.07.2009 02:16

keep thinkin' bout that little sparkle in your eye
Is it a light from the angels, or your devil deep inside?
What about the way you say you love me all the time
Are you liftin' me up to heaven, just to drop me down the line?

There's a ring around my finger,
But will you change your mind?
And you tell me that I'm beautiful,
But that could be a lie

Are you a heartbreaker?
Maybe you want me for the ride
What if I'm fallin' for a heartbreaker?
And everything is just a lie
I won't be leavin' here alive
I won't be leavin' here alive, no

Temporary happiness is like waiting for the knife
Cause I'm always watchin' for someone to show their darker side
So maybe I'll sit back and just enjoy all this for now
Watch it all play out, see if you really stick around

But there's always this one question
That keeps me up at night
Are you my greatest love
Or disappointment in my life?

Are you a heartbreaker?
Maybe you want me for the ride
What if I'm fallin' for a heartbreaker?
And everything is just a lie
I won't be leavin' here alive
I might as well lay down and die

I'm holding on with both hands and both feet, oh
Promise that you won't pull the rug out from under me

Are you a heartbreaker?
Maybe you want me for the ride
I pray to god you're not a heartbreaker
This time around I won't survive
Cause if I'm fallin' for a heartbreaker
And everything is just a lie
I won't be leavin' here alive
I might as well lay down and die, oh
I won't be leavin' here alive

Risto... minä, sinä... Risto...

...Perjantai 12.06.2009 13:45

hmm... jotenkin tyhjä olo, mutta ihan onnellinen...

Oli äärettömän hauskaa treenata teiän kanssa tytöt ja sit eilen vähän jorattiin ja saatiin hyvää palautetta ja lähettiin kotiin... sit se oli vähän niinku siinä... on se jännä...

mut hyvin me vedettiin, oon ylpeitä meistä, vaikka omat jalat täriskin niin paljon,että meinasin kaatua jo heti alkumetreillä... :D

...Torstai 04.06.2009 13:40

"...nyt mun pitäis olla käsittämättömän vahva..."

Oisko kellään akkulaturia Juha 4.1 -malliin?

...Maanantai 01.06.2009 12:26

Ihan älytön stressi päällä koko ajan ja äärettömän vaikeeta löytää energiaa yhtään mihinkään... kohta vois lähteä juoksemaan... lujaa, enkä pysähdy ihan heti...

...Lauantai 23.05.2009 12:35

no jos mä nyt kokeilen pari päivää tätä vanhuutta ja jos se ei sovi mulle, ni täytän sit vaikka uudestaan 22? -eikö? ...

Christina Milian - You Make Me LaughKeskiviikko 13.05.2009 14:44

You make me laugh, oooh, make me laugh, you make me laugh
Sticks and stones may break my bones your words will never hurt me
Make me laugh

Ever since the first day I met you
We were hanging round tight we were cool
Brought you round to everything that I do
But something told me I should watch you
Now I'm finding out the other day you been runnin' round
Talking every word that I say to my friends
Now I feel betrayed
Now why you tryin' to play these silly games?
Now it's funny how it got to me
He told she and she told me
And I don't think that you can really see
That all their loyalty belongs to me
They don't believe a word you say
The only reason that you know 'em cause of me anyway
Why do you have so much jealousy
But no matter how you try you can't be me

Got me thinking about
You make me laugh
All the things you're doing, trying so hard
Just to ruin me but you can't see
You make me laugh, cuz you're running around
You make me laugh
You try so hard to be down
Talking 'bout me when I'm not around
But you don't get that you make me laugh

Sticks and stones may break my bones your words will never hurt me, oooh
Sticks and stones may break my bones your words will never hurt me.

You can't blame me for hatin'
But it's funny how you thought you can
Let your little secrets pass by me
And try to get them not to like me
I was being good to you
Now you're running 'round talking looking like a fool
I'd like to know what you goin' do and now who's laughing
Jokes been played on you

Got me thinking about
You make me laugh
All the things you're doing, trying so hard
Just to ruin me but you can't see
You make me laugh, cuz you're running around
You make me laugh
You try so hard to be down
Talking 'bout me when I'm not around
But you don't get that you make me laugh

Got me thinking about
You make me laugh
All the things you're doing, trying so hard
Just to ruin me but you can't see
You make me laugh, cuz you're running around
You make me laugh
You try so hard to be down
Talking 'bout me when I'm not around
But you don't get that you make me laugh

Ooooh, your words will never hurt me, hurt me
Sticks and stones may break my bones your words will never hurt me
No, no, no
Sticks and stones may break my bones your words will never hurt me
Your words will never hurt me, hurt me
You make me laugh
You make me laugh

Got me thinking about
You make me laugh
All the things you're doing, trying so hard
Just to ruin me but you can't see
You make me laugh, cuz you're running around
You make me laugh
You try so hard to be down
Talking 'bout me when I'm not around
But you don't get that you make me laugh

Got me thinking about
You make me laugh
All the things you're doing, trying so hard
Just to ruin me but you can't see
You make me laugh, cuz you're running around
You make me laugh
You try so hard to be down
Talking 'bout me when I'm not around
But you don't get that you make me laugh

Sticks and stones may break my bones your words will never hurt me
Sticks and stones may break my bones (oh no) your words will never hurt me
Make me laugh
Sticks and stones may break my bones your words will never hurt me
Your words will never hurt me
Sticks and stones may break my bones your words will never hurt me
Make me laugh