
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

tiät kylKeskiviikko 08.07.2009 04:05

Here's the thing
I was mindin' my own business, doin' what I do
I wasn't tryna look for anythin'
All of a sudden couldn't take my eyes off you

I didn't even know if you could tell
That you had me in a daze sayin' what the hell
Here's my name, number, baby, just hit my cell
Lovin' everything you do 'cause you do it well
Don't know what you got me thinkin'

You ain't even tryna play me, boy
'Cause you're so good and you're so fine
Got me sayin' crazy things, listen

I ain't ever met a man like that
I ain't ever fell so far, so fast
You can turn me on, throw me off track
Boy you do it, do it, you do it, do it
You're doin' it well

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