


they call me heartbreaker

ahahah repes loppu osalle :DTiistai 30.06.2009 21:03

Stranger: hola
You: Holaaa
Stranger: Parla Catalá?
You: wow spanish :D
Stranger: No, catalan :P
You: ahaha kk :D
Stranger: You answered my question anyway.
You: cool :)
Stranger: not to worry, i speeky very wel gud england.
You: yeah i seee
You: wey gut :D
Stranger: heh, i'm not that bad. don't worry ;)
You: yeah ok i believe you ;)
Stranger: where abouts are you from?
You: finlaand :D
You: and youu
You: catalan? :P
Stranger: Andorra
You: ahaha
You: cool :)
Stranger: boobs and also willies.

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