


they call me heartbreaker

she's a bitch.Keskiviikko 24.06.2009 22:02



haha kokeilkaaaaa ! :DKeskiviikko 24.06.2009 18:55

talk to strangers <vink>

I Miss You !Torstai 18.06.2009 01:27

I miss you every day more and more
I wish there was a way i could tell you that.

But you wouldn't listen to me anyway.
I wanna cry but everytime there's something
that tells me to not do it.
We were once something great and beautiful.
Then something happend and you had to do
what you had to do. That just broke my heart.

Im sorry i didn't give you any time.
I just walked away
and said bad bad things about you.
It was wrong. I still cant believe i did it.
But you also have to understand that what you did
was bad and it hurted me so bad.
The true thing is :
You decided to leave me and i LET you to do it<itku>
Thats the most biggest thing im sorry about !

You will never forget our moments. So cant I !
I wish I'd have just 1 more chance to face you
and explain everything for ya.

And the most important thing

I'm sorry ! &lt;suru&gt;

mökilleee Torstai 18.06.2009 00:52

Sunnuntain vast takas &lt;vink&gt;


15.6 - 26.6Maanantai 15.06.2009 01:53

Huomen leirille &lt;tuuletus&gt;

1 sana.Sunnuntai 14.06.2009 06:01

SAAT KÄYTTÄÄ VAIN YHTÄ SANAA! On todella hankala vastata vain yhdellä sanalla.

1. Missä kännykkäsi on? - pöydällä
2. Kumppanisi? - jossain
3. Hiuksesi? - ponnarilla
4. Äitisi? - nukkumassa
5. Isäsi? - vantaal
6. Suosikkisi? - tietokone
7. Unesi viime yönä? - ihana
8. Mielijuomasi? - limu
9. Unelmasi/tavoitteesi? - taivaallinen
10. Missä huoneessa olet? - olkkarissa
11. Harrastuksesi? - dataus
12. Pelkosi? - emt
13. Missä haluat olla 6 vuoden päästä? - ulkomailla
14. Missä olit viime yönä? - kotona
15. Jotain, mitä sinä et ole? - laiha
16. Muffinssit? - nam
17. Toivelistalla? - iphone
18. Paikka, missä kasvoit? - vuosaari
19. Mitä teit viimeksi? - datasin
20. Mitä sinulla on ylläsi? - vaatteita
21. Televisiosi? - takana
22. Lemmikkisi? - nukkumas
23. Ystävät? - outoja:D<3
24. Elämäsi? - allright
25. Mielialasi? - hämmentynyt
26. Ikävöitkö jotakuta? - joo<3
27. Auto? - yeah
28. Jotain, mitä sinulla ei ole ylläsi? - housut
29. Lempikauppasi? - kaikki
30. Lempivärisi? - pink
31. Milloin nauroit viimeksi? - tänää
32. Milloin viimeksi itkit? - tänää
33. Kuka lähettää tämän edelleen? - nobody
34. Paikka minne menet yhä uudelleen ja uudelleen? - galleria
35. Henkilö, joka s-postittaa minulle säännöllisesti? - facebook
36. Lempiruokapaikka? - hese

OMG ! :@Lauantai 13.06.2009 23:32

Paris hiltonin uus boyfriend on RONALDOOOOOO! &lt;itku&gt; tapan sen lehmän.!....:(

yhyhyyyy :''(Lauantai 13.06.2009 02:14

&lt;itku&gt; sinem lähtee turkkii! &lt;itku&gt;


2 words. F-u-C-k Y-o-U ! ! ! ! Perjantai 12.06.2009 00:18

Look inside,
Look inside your tiny mind.
And look a bit harder.
'cause we're so uninspired.
So sick.
And tired.
Of all the hatred you harbor.

So you say, it's not OK to be gay.
Well I think you're just evil.
You're just some racist.
Who can't tie my laces.
Your point of view is medieval.

Fuck you!
Fuck you very very much.
Cause we hate what you do.
And we hate your whole crew.
So please don't stay in touch.

Fuck you!
Fuck you very very much.
Cause your words don't translate.
And it's getting quite late.
so please don't stay in touch.

Do you get,
Do you get a little kick of being slow minded?
You want to be like your father.
It's approval your after.
Well thats not how you find it.

Do you.
Do you really enjoy.
Living a life that's so hateful?
Cause there is a hole.
Where youre soul should be.
You're losing control of it.
And it's really distasteful.

Fuck you!
Fuck you very very much.
Cause we hate what you do.
And we hate youre whole crew.
So please don't stay in touch.

Fuck you!
Fuck you very very much.
Cause youre words don't translate.
And it's getting quite late.
so please don't stay in touch.

(fuckyou x3)
(fuckyou x3)

You say,
you think we need to go to war,
well you're allready in one.
'Cause it's people like you,
that need to get slew.
No one wants you're opinion.

Fuck you!
Fuck you very very much.
Cause we hate what you do.
And we hate youre whole crew.
So please don't stay in touch.

Fuck you!
Fuck you very very much.
Cause youre words don't translate.
And it's getting quite late.
so please don't stay in touch.

ahahaahahah *reps*Tiistai 09.06.2009 19:31

emre sanoo:
okei lalax

emel sanoo:
Joo lalan

emre sanoo:
ei vittu

emel sanoo:
lalax emre
Joo mä lalan

emre sanoo:
älä &lt;virne&gt;

Kyl mäki sua &lt;virne&gt;&lt;virne&gt;<xD> <3