
:<< gonna miss u ♥Perjantai 19.08.2011 18:25

Hey girl, I'm sad
I heard that you were leavin'
You can't go, you're my love
I'm sure gonna miss you
I always think about you
All the time you're on my mind
I can't believe that it's true
Now I have to see you leave
You're the only one for me
I don't wanna see you go
I'm gonna miss you forever
The first time that I saw you
I knew it from the very start
You had a place deep in my heart
I can't believe that it's true
Now it's time for you to leave
And baby I just can't believe
You and me together, I'll wait forever
It's only a matter of time 'cause
I never wanna see you go
I'm gonna miss you forever

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