


Simple Impartial Enfys.

new car. <3Keskiviikko 18.01.2006 23:49

miulla on uusi auto!!

ainakin periaatteessa. se on vielä maalla. pitäisi hakea se joskus.


ehkä paras viikko ikinä.

jäj!Maanantai 16.01.2006 11:31

liput maksettu. :)


virallisesti siis mewday taas 12.3.2006. loistavaa. :)

ei voi lopettaa hymyilemistä sitten millään.


kohta, kohta!Maanantai 16.01.2006 10:06

soon it's all going to happen.



tomorrow's the day.Sunnuntai 15.01.2006 19:30

mew panic.

huomenna tulee aamulla yhdeksältä myyntiin mewin liput. help. wish me luck. tuun tänne sit avautuu oikei kunnolla, jos en saa lippua. beware.

koulu alkais myös huomenna. taas. vaihteeks. eka päivä tulee ymmärrettävistä syistä skipattua, ainakin tuntien osalta.
pitäisi tehdä huomiseksi joku ihme yrityssuunnitelma. en tahdo. en kykene. en osaa. miksi meidän opettajat vihaa meitä ja antaa tuollasia hirmuisen isoja assignmentteja lomaksi? se on väärin.

jumittaa ja pahasti.

oraakkeli.Perjantai 13.01.2006 01:55

oraakkeli sanoi etten mie ikinä enää saa miestä.

nyt on mieli ehkä vähän down. :/


nightmare. part 2. Maanantai 09.01.2006 11:35

mie niin tiesin ettei pitäis ikinä enää nukkua..

olin laittanut kännykän herätyskellon soittamaan aamulla kasilta. mutta kännykästä oli loppunu akku eikä se soinutkaan. (tämä on muuten tottakin.) ja sitten kun heräsin, oli kello jo vaikka mitä ja MEWIN KEIKKA OLI JO LOPPUUNMYYTY!!
vitsit että mie itkin.

..ja sit mä heräsin.. silleen oikeesti siis.

luojan kiitos! mutta jatketaan tsekkailua. ei vieläkään mitään infoa mistään. menee hermo. tulee suorituspaineita. ahdistaa.

pakko. saada. liput.

vähintäänki kuolen jos en saa.

eddie izzard. part 3.Maanantai 09.01.2006 03:24

Mother Nature revealed itself to the world one day. She said,

“Creatures of the world! Gather ‘round, I shall give you your methods of procreation.”

“Oh, cheers, Mother Nature! I’ve been dying for a shag, me!”

“All right, gather round… Here we go. Dogs! How you doing, dogs?”


“Okay, now dogs… we have got you down, dogs… your method of procreation will be doggy fashion! How about that?”

*bark* “Yeah, we invented it!”

“I know you did! And it’s caught on big time! Okay, off you go…Be careful with the air lock!”

“Now cats…”


“Cats, good to meet you. Now, we’ve got you down for doggy fashion! How about that?”

*meow* “What about catty fashion?”

“No, sorry, dogs got in there first; it’s a ‘patent pending’ situation… Anyway, you’ve got cat flaps, so what the fuck are you arguing about?”

“Next we have… sheep! Good haircut, by the way… We’ve got you down for doggy fashion! If you get hot, just take your coats off, right? Okay… You wearing Blakeys?”

“Now giraffes! Good to see you. We’ve got you down for doggy fashion, but it’s whatever you can work out, basically. Hang off a lamppost, lean over a tree, you know… just swing about a bit; I mean, sorry, we were gonna make you like a Spaniel kind of size, but someone brought me a coffee and 'vooom!' when I was doing design work, and there you go… Anyway, chin up! All right…

“Human beings… Well, doggy fashion, catty fashion, giraffe fashion, sheep fashion; whatever the hell you want, basically… Hang upside down like a bat, play the banjo, do it on a golf course! As long as you get guilt in there somewhere, we really don’t mind…

“Now finally, salmon! Good… Got a bit of a surprise for you, people… What you’re gonna do is to swim upstream against a down-flowing river until you come to a huge waterfall…”
“…and you’re going to leap, and leap, and leap, and leap up this waterfall, and you swim along, and you leap, and leap, and leap, and leap; then you get along, and you lay eggs, and you fertilize the eggs, and then you drop down dead! Ha!”

eddie izzard. part 2.Maanantai 09.01.2006 02:20

But they went to the Moon, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins, going round and round, working out the IRA thing. And Neil stepped on the Moon and said,

"One small step for man, a giant leap for mankind."

Good line but not his line, I don't thinkÂ… it didn't feel like his line, you know?
I bet that was just given to him and he was coming down the steps going,

"Small step for man, a giant leap for mankind. Small step for man, a giant leap for mankind. Don't get it wrong, Neil. Don't fuck it up.
Here we go. I'm a small man with a giant big - shit!... One man, small giant, two...two mens... What was it?"

‘Cause you gotta say something, you can't go down to the Moon and go,

"Oh, it's all sticky! It's covered in jam!"

You can't land on the Moon and go,

"Fucking ‘ell, I've been in that spacecraft. Right, I need a piss."

You can't land on the Moon and wind down the window and go,

"Is this - Sea of Tranquility? Sea of Tranquility? Is this Sea of Tranquility? Sea of Tranquility? There's no one around!”

But he had a sense of humor so he should have used it, ‘cause there was that lunar module there – a fixed camera, just fixed, not panning left or right, just stationary. So he could've been there saying,

"Hi, people on the Moon. As you can see, the Sea of Tranquility here, there's the mountains in the distance, there's the Earth! There, you're looking back up at yourselves there. Over to my right, I can see a fucking monster! There's a monster behind me! Oh no, help! Get off my leg!"
"He's got me, Houston. The monster's got me! He wants cash! He's got my hand up behind my back. I think he knows jiu-jitsu!"

eddie izzard. part 1. Sunnuntai 08.01.2006 06:42

"And squirrels always eat nuts with two hands, always two hands, and occasionally, they stop and go *gasp*, as if they're going,

"Did I leave the gas on?
I'm a fucking squirrel!"

And occasionally they go,

"Fucking nuts! Fed up with them always. I long for a grapefruit."

I'm Crazy Eddie! I put babies on spikes.
Do you want a rack of babies? We've got babies on racks!
Mmm, they taste of chicken!"

"Father, bless me for I have sinned, I did an original sinÂ… I poked a badger with a spoon."

"I've never heard of that one before! Five Hail Mary's and two Hello, Dolly's."

"Oh, all right..."

"Bless me, Father, for I have slept with my next door neighbor's wife."

"Heard it! I want an original sin."

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry!"

"Oh, I'm - oh, oh..."

"What is it, Lieutenant Sebastian?"

"It's just the Rebels, sir. They're here."

"My God, man! Do they want tea?"

"No, I think they're after something more than that, sir. I don't know what it is, but they've brought a flag."

"Damn, that's dash cunning of them! Ah, Lord Vader!"

“Uh, hello. Hello. Look, I'm Lord Vader and just pay a-bloody-ttention, all right? Luke, Luke, the Force is strong with you."

"Is it?"


"Well, who told you that?"

"Some bloke! Yeah, he said the Force was really rather strong with you."

"Well, how strong?"

"Uh, as strong as a small pony."

"Oooh, that's quite strong, that is."

kuka lohduttaisi enfystä?Perjantai 06.01.2006 10:42


heräsin pari tuntia sitten siihen, että näin kamalinta painajaista ikinä. mie en usko että nukun enää koskaan..
nyt olen potenut vaan suurta ahdistusta ja henkistä ja fyysistä pahaa oloa. mittasin kuumeen - reipas ALIlämpö. pelottavaa.

ei kaikki sitten ilmeisesti ollukaan niin hyvin kuin miltä eilen tuntui.