


why so Sirius?

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[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 27.02.2011 22:06

1: Laita musiikkisi sekoitukselle.

2: Kirjoita 2 ensimmäistä lausetta 20 ensimmäisestä biisistä, oli ne kuinka noloja tahansa. Katso kuka ystävistäsi osaa arvata eniten.

3: Vedä biisi yli kun joku arvaa sen täysin oikein.

4: Googlettaminen on huijausta !

5: Jos tykkäät tästä, tee omasi.

1. You’ve been walking along the edge
So it’s been said
Negative - End Of the Line

2. Load up on guns, bring your friends
It's fun to lose and to pretend
Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit

3. Still don't know what I was waiting for
And my time was running wild

4. I'm up on the eleventh floor
And I'm watching the cruisers below

5. Without you baby's like suicide
I need you baby, that I just can't hide

6. Truth - covered in security
I can't let you smother me

7. If I wake up tomorrow
I'll paint the city in white and bloody red

8. All that I am
I just can't find the words to make you understand me

9. Quick fix and heartbeats
Gets me so easily
The Sounds - Queen Of Apology

10. It landed in a field in Idaho
Where it came from, I don't know
Ramones - Zero Zero UFO

11. My life has been a new down
Not that you care
Negative - Jealous Sky

12. Come with me
Come with me tonight
Moto Boy - Feed Me With a Kiss

13. Hey let's kick it
Stop just lick it
The Sounds - Tony the Beat

14. God it's been so long
Since we tried to get along

15. My head's gonna blow brains all over the floor
Pressure like I never felt it before
Joey Ramone - Drug I Never Did Before

16. 1,2,3,4
No, I want more
5, 6, 7
It's not OK
The Sounds - Rock'n'Roll

17. I came to ask you out
Been wanting to for days
Moto Boy - Blue Motorbike

18. Fragile, handle with care
You fall in love then you lose your head
The Sounds - 24 Hours

19. Hey! Hey! Hey!
That's what I say
Hey! Hey! Hey!
The Sounds - Running Out Of Turbo

20. Susan moved up to Rochester
She can't stand the crack anymore
Joey Ramone - Searching For Something

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