
sutiokrat nämäle ellunis äniiS
saviat nenillääpnaam nenillitevleh ämät emmaaktaksiaR

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 16.02.2010 17:45

Come on down, and see the idiot right here
Too fucked to beg and not afraid to care
What's the matter with calamity anyway?
Right? Get the fuck outta my face
Understand that i can't feel anything
It isn't like I wanna sift through the decay
I feel like a wound, like I got a fuckin'
Gun against my head, you live when I'm dead

One more time, mother fucker

Everybody hates me now, so fuck it
Blood's on my face and my hands, and I
Don't know why, I'm not afraid to cry
But that's none of your business
Whose life is it? Get it? See it? Feel it? Eat it?
Spin it around so i can spit in its face
I wanna leave without a trace
Cuz I don't wanna die in this place

Cradle of filthMaanantai 08.02.2010 16:28

"Her penultimate sighs
Called softly on the kindling winds
Her saintly eyes, filling with tears, lifting with truth
And then a golden flash like the onset of Heaven
Leaving her screams, Breaking my heart
And in the grip of fire
I knew the death of love"

yksityisel ;)Keskiviikko 20.01.2010 19:24

1. rakastako minua ?
2. halaisitko minua ?
3. pussaisitko minua ?
4. alkaisitko ?
5. mitä eläintä muistutan ?
6. huonoin puoleni ?
7. mitä meinaan sinulle ?
8. kuvaile minua kolmella sanalla
9. lisää tämä omaan blogiisi

.Maanantai 11.01.2010 18:54

Olen sairas niin kipeä, sairas päästä jalkoihin,
Päästäkää minut tästä tai viekää edes veitset pois
Olen katsonut sinua silmiin, ja sinä saatana valehtelet

En ole tottunut uskomaan, vaikken pelkään kuolemaa.
Väkivalta meidät kastaa, eikä auta kostokaan

Olen sairas niin kipeä, sairas päästä jalkoihin,
Päästäkää minut tästä tai viekää edes äänet pois
Olen katsonut sinua silmiin, ja sinä perkele valehtelet

Olen väsynyt viiltämään, vaikken pelkään kuolemaa
Väkivalta meidät kastaa toisiamme ruoskimaan

Olen väsynyt antamaan, olen väsynyt kuolemaan, olen väsynyt
Raavi nahkani alta, älä tapa, älä jätä henkiin
Olen väsynyt kiiltämään, olen väsynyt tuntemaan, en jaksa nyt
Älä tapa, älä jätä henkiin, raatele nahkani alta

Väkivalta meidät kastaa
Väkivalta meidät kastaa
Päästäkää minut tästä

Onko jotain mitä et voi ohittaa,
Et voi menettää, et saa menettää
Solmut hakeutuvat umpisolmuun,
Kädet kietoutuvat pirunnyrkkiin

Väkivalta meidät kastaa
Väkivalta meidät kastaa
Päästäkää minut tästä

.Perjantai 08.01.2010 18:20

I can't believe what I've seen, so scratch my eyes out!
You, were at ease, on your knees, in his apartment!
You said his name, as I came, in your direction!
Now, I can choose, what to do, with both of you

I loved you! (I need you...)
You hurt me! (I loved you...)
I loved you,
You, hurt, me, bad!

Your words, bury me, of what I used to be
I can't erase all those things I've seen
Your heart, smothers me, now it's hard to breathe
I can't erase all my memories

I, take a step, to the left, now you see me!
Tears, start to pour, as you crawl, in his apartment!
You, screamed his name, as I came, in your direction!
Fists, start to fly, say goodbye, there's no excuses!

I loved you! (I hate you...)
You hurt me! (I loved you...)
I loved you,
You, hurt, me, bad!

Your words, bury me, of what I used to be
I can't erase all those things I've seen
You heart, smothers me, now it's time to breathe
I can't erase all my memories


Get up!
(Hey!) There's no excuses!
(Hey!) There's no excuses!

I loved you! (I hate you...)
You hurt me! (I loved you...)
I loved you,
You, hurt, me, bad!

Your words, bury me, of what I used to be
I can't erase all those things I've seen
You heart, smothers me, now it's time to breathe
I can't erase all my memories
Erase all my memories of you!

.Perjantai 08.01.2010 18:20

I push my fingers into my eyes
It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache
But it's made of all the things I have to take
Jesus it never ends, it works it's way inside
If the pain goes on

I have screamed until my veins collapsed
I've waited as my times elapsed
Now all I do is live with so much fate

I wished for this, I bitched at that
I've left behind this little fact
You cannot kill what you did not create

I've gotta say what I've gotta say
And then I swear I'll go away
But I can't promise you'll enjoy the noise

I guess I'll save the best for last
My future seems like one big past
You're left with me 'cause you left me no choice

I push my fingers into my eyes
It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache
If the pain goes on, I'm not gonna make it

Put me back together or separate the skin from bone
Leave me all the pieces
Then you can leave me alone

Tell me the reality is better than the dream
But I've found out the hard way
Nothing is what it seems

I push my fingers into my eyes
It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache
But it's made of all the things I have to take
Jesus it never ends, it works it's way inside
If the pain goes on, I'm not gonna make it

All I've got, all I've got is insane
All I've got, all I've got is insane
All I've got, all I've got is insane
All I've got, all I've got is insane

All I've got, all I've got is insane
All I've got, all I've got is insane

I push my fingers into my eyes
It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache
But it's made of all the things I have to take
Jesus it never ends, it works it's way inside
If the pain goes on, I'm not gonna make it

All I've got, all I've got is insane
All I've got, all I've got is insane
All I've got, all I've got is insane
All I've got, all I've got is insane

...Perjantai 18.12.2009 16:31

Once more I'll say goodbye to you
Things happen, but we don't really know why
if it's supposed to be like this
why do most of us ignore the chance to miss
oh yeah

Torn apart at the seams of my dreams turn to tears
I'm not feeling the situation
Run away try to find that safe place you can hide
It's the best place to be when you're feeling like

Me! (Me)
Yeah! (Yeah)
All these things I hate revolve around Me! (Me)
Yeah! (Yeah)
Just back off before i snap

jjjKeskiviikko 25.11.2009 17:34

Linkitä minulle jokin kappale, jonka jollain tapaa koet liittyvän minuun.
Älä selittele valintaasi, lisää vain kappale kommentteihin.
Lisää sen jälkeen omaan blogiisi tämä teksti ja katso mitä kaverisi sinulle laulaisivat.