
Eilen olin ulkona Inkan kanssa.
Vaikka jalat oli iha sika kipeet torstain takii ni silti oli pakko menna eilen ulos, Claireki oli mulle et mee vaan, se tekee vaan hyvaa sulle x)
No hyva ilta oliki.. ei valittamista.
Mentiin aluks alottelee yhteen toiseen paikkaan jossa emme normaalisti ole kaynneet, niin siella jotain jabii baaritiskilla alko vaan juttelee ju tilasivat shottei :p koko ilta oli meille melkeen ilmanen, ite maksettiin muutamist cociksist joihin kaytiin tayttaa vodkaa jalkeenpain x)

Illan juomat;
6tequila shottii
1 jagermaistershot
7-8 vodkacocist x)

Ja sit hukattiin ne jabat jonneki.. :D:D ei se mitaan sit tanssittiin koko ilta :p ja viinaa ku oli saatu tarpeeks ni ei tuntunu missaan et lihakset olis enaa kipeet.
Ja illan paatteeks paatettiin kayda mussuttaan jotain.. no inka halus vaan jonku hampparin kun ma taas halusin juustoranskalaisia :p namnam.perfect. <3

cant wait:)Maanantai 03.11.2008 14:48

kohta, ei mee enaa kauaa.
oot tarkein.

Not like that.Maanantai 03.11.2008 14:45

I feel oh so glamorous
Looking super fabulous
Sometimes I'm insecure
Something I can't ignore
All the flashing cameras
Try my best to handle it
I'm just the girl next door
I can hear the rumors take off

All the girls in the club got their eyes on me
I can tell by the look that they wanna be
Be hot, hot, hot like that
But it's not, not no it's not like that
All the girls in the club got their eyes on me
They put me down 'cause of jealousy
And I'm not, not I'm not that girl
And it's not, not no it's not in my world

So many girls be checking my style, checking my style, checking my style
So many girls be checking my style
But I don't even care, no

I move in mysterious
Ways that got them curious
They're lookin' at what I'm wearin'
Standin' on the sideline starin'
Takin' every chance they get
To find who I'm going with it
But I'd just wish they'd see
What I'm like in real life

All the girls in the club got their eyes on me
I can tell by the look that they wanna be
Be hot, hot, hot like that
But it's not, not no it's not like that
All the girls in the club got their eyes on me
They put me down 'cause of jealousy
And I'm not, not I'm not that girl
And it's not, not no it's not in my world

So many girls be checking my style, checking my style, checking my style
So many girls be checking my style
But I don't even care, no

It's gotta be a little longer
And life, it's making me stronger
What I like, I'ma get that
Like a quick cat
No, I won't quit that
You heard me?

You'll find that I'm just like you
And I do the same things you do
The type of chick that hit spots
In my flip flops
Listening to hip hop
You feel me?

All the girls in the club got their eyes on me
I can tell by the look that they wanna be
Be hot, hot, hot like that
But it's not, not, no it's not like that
All the girls in the club got their eyes on me
They put me down 'cause of jealousy
And I'm not, not, I'm not that girl
And it's not, not, no it's not in my world

All the girls in the club got their eyes on me
I can tell by the look that they wanna be
Be hot, hot, hot like that
But it's not, not, no it's not like that
All the girls in the club got their eyes on me
They put me down 'cause of jealousy
But I'm not, not, I'm not that girl
And it's not, not, no it's not in my world

Perjantai.Lauantai 11.10.2008 18:00

Olin eilen Inkan ja Raulin kanssa Portugalilaisessa ravintolassa syomassa.. Oli kyl ihan alyhyvaa ruokaa, nam :P
Pian kylla sinne uudestaan.

Opin sanoo portugaliks; Estava muito bom! Ubrigado! :)


<3Tiistai 30.09.2008 00:39

Oli kivaa.
Kiva paiva.
Aurinkoinen ja lammin<3

ps. Viihdyn taalla kylla aika hyvin :P
Ei oo kylla ikava suomeen, mut kaikkii ihanii ihmisii kyl<3

lalalaaMaanantai 08.09.2008 01:32

Eilen olin yksis leaving partyis, kivaa oli:)
Tutustuin uusiin ihmisiin.
Tanaan ottanu vaan aurinkoo<3

Kohta nukkumaan, aikanen heratys..
Meen kaupungille hengailee/shoppailee aamulla.
Sit sen jalkeen vahaks aikaa toihin.. 3-6pm. :D

Nahaan!! :)


Honey, im home! ;)Tiistai 02.09.2008 01:48

Joo taalla ma oon ollu nyt viikon ja on kyl aivan ihana paikka. <3
En vaihtas mistaan hinnasta. <3
Love it.

Koht puhun suomen ja enkun lisaks sujuvaa ranskaa kans.. ku naa opettaa mulle sita taalla kans :D
En ehka tuu enaa takas ku taa paikka on vaan jotain sellasta.. no ei vaa, kyl ma tuun.. EHKA.. joskus, mut siihen asti au revoir.

c ya! :)Sunnuntai 17.08.2008 13:32

En oo koneella nyt hetkeen, mut nähään pian;)
Joo ja hei muistakaa mua kommenteilla<3


haha, ollaan aika hottei<3Sunnuntai 10.08.2008 02:08

Meinasin tukehtuu smirreen ku Nina veti käteen ;)