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oshiSunnuntai 15.08.2010 19:34

I actually live in Watford, and for your information they have a natural history museum with all sorts of exciting exibits, one of which is the inside of a shark's belly that you can wonder around in, you can even sit in there and eat some sandwiches that the museum provides at no extra cost. Unfortunately the cost of providing free sandwiches means that they can't afford heating or lighting.

For me and hundreds of others it's a fair compromise. Unfortunately a fair few people say they'd actually prefer heating and lighting, I'd say the split is about 80/20 in favour of the sandwiches.

I personally know Frank. (We went to ginger club together when we were toddlers. Sadly though he got kicked out cos they don't allow tattoos on toddlers under the age of seven. By the time he was allowed back in, I had gone bald and not having grown pubes yet I had no way of authenticating my gingerness. We still try to stay in contact though.) and while he doesn't mind the sandwiches he says he'd prefer some heating. I said to him 'why don't you cover yourself up with a sweater Frank?', but he said 'nah I like to show off my tatts', I said 'fair play, they're very nice tatts, but you're gonna have to put up with the cold then aren't you'.

Next thing I knew he'd written a song about that shark. Sadly, because of the increased tourism revenue the museum is now able to provide food, heating and lighting, so no one will ever again know what being inside that sharks belly was like all those year ago.

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