


One life live it ♥


- Vanhempi »

!Maanantai 20.07.2009 17:53

You broke my heart. And you dont care.
You broke my heart. And its NOT fair.
And this is something I want to share.
You never loved me.
I was your toy.
It hurts.
I loved you.
But u didn't love me.
U hurt me so much.
And you just DONT care.
I'm heartless because you are the only 1 who has da key 2 my heart.
I sit here and cry cuz I'm Heart Broken.
All ur kisses, all ur promises, all ur hugs, all ur smiles.
U were 2 good 2 be true.
But i didn't care.
Your out there with her, while I'm here crying and listing to OUR song.
U were my EVERYTHING now ur NOTHING!!
U were my TRUE LOVE now ur da reason why i HATE!!!
U were my reason to SMILE now ur da reason to CRY!!!
I try, and try, and TRY... But it HURTS...
Ur out there full of joy...
While I'm here.......
HEART BROKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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