


Can't hug every cat

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Maanantai 16.06.2014 03:09

Pictures of a day
Descriptions a day
He walked away
It was raining
And this pain in your heart never went
You never said
It would feel like this and that's why
I want you to stay
That's not what I meant to say
But I mean it
I mean it
Yeah right
There's your honesty
Honestly, I'm feeling fine
Intelligent design
Line of eye-shadow, tears and more wine
I don't mind if I do
Do you like my new shoes?
Mums, dads and home truths
Like, what are we going to do about you?
You used to be such a happy child
You dialed the number
Didn't speak
How do new lovers meet?
Incredible feats of bravery
Wavering baby steps favoring
Wild mood swings
We were never not quite on the brink
Not trying to not think of missed connections
Missing links
Rose tints
It's just one of those things

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