


You don't know what you've got. Untill it's gone.


- Vanhemmat »
Another weekend has gone!
And it was another cool one..
Yesterday I bought Funeral For A Friend ticket, and the concert is next saturday in Milano, and I can't wait.
Yesterday night then, was very cool.
My friend has from 1 week the drive license and so we went out but we got lost in the city XD
and we were driving without an idea where we were for about 1 hour and a half, but then we found the right way :D heyaa!

And sunday is boring as hell ç___ç
...and I SHOULD go back studing, fuck.

Hope you weekend has been cool too :D
bye! (:

..and second blog!Lauantai 29.09.2007 16:43

Well I don't really have something to say but I'm always bla bla bla and so forgive me!
Soooo: it's saturday morning and I'm so sick >.<
Yesterday night was a veeeery long night full of partying and I came back home sooo late :$ so now I have this terrible headache (damn....) but, hey :D I had fun, so.. you know, who cares about headache?

And now I'm just leaving and going to the mall (:
Have a nice weekend everyone!

Just wanna add this: next saturday hardcore will win on metal :D
Yeah... I'm going to a band competition :)

First blog.Keskiviikko 22.08.2007 05:29

well it's so late in the night and I'm listening for the last time in the day "How To Save a Life" from the Fray.
This song really remembers me of holiday at the mountain and my friends and norwegians boys I met there and wonderful moments spent.
I think I should stop listening to it or I'll become malinchonic and it's not funny :]
I stop now and go to sleep!
Good night everybodyy ^.^
- Vanhemmat »