
ja mul on sillon kaks viikonloppua peräkkäin vapaata...

eka viikonloppuna oli tarkotus mennä LARP:iin mut ei sit voikkaan/pystykään

ni menen sit helsinkiin animeconiin siskon kanssa :D

ja sit heti perään seuraavana viikonloppuna oliskin lanit

:D eli vielä vähän enemmän nörttäilyä

luvassa mitä luultavimmin:
- cs:s sää :D
- CoDia
- Unreal Tournamenttia
- frets on firea
- guitar heroa ja haloa sekä left4deadia(xbox 360 ja normi xboxilla)
- Red - Alerttia
- jossain välissä saatetaan pelata hieman WoWia :P,
- etc...

oheis viihteenä toimii:
- saunominen
- grillaaminen
- juopottelu sekä mahdolliset juoma pelit
- youtube pätkien katsominen
- musiikin kuuntelu
- sekä perinteiset lani-pilat (aasialaista homopornoa kaverin taustakuvaksi kun se nukkuu etc...)

- oma kone, hiiri, näyttö ja näppäimistö
- lani kaljoja
- epäterveellistä ruokaa
- cocis-colaa ja energia juomia
- asennus-levyjä peleihin (ei välttämätöntä)

- myös vaihto vaatteet ja pyyhe (koska pitkän taistelu päivän/yön päätteeksi maistuu varmasti saunominen)




"Television Rules The Nation"Tiistai 23.06.2009 18:14

Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation

Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation

Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation

Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation

Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation

Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation
Television rules the nation

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.06.2009 22:22

hyävä jhuannusta kiakile :) !

antigravitaatioPerjantai 19.06.2009 03:45

Voileipä putoaa eittämättä aina voi-puoli alaspäin, eikö totta?

Ja kissat putoavat eittämättä myös aina jaloilleen, eikö totta?

Mitäpä jos liitetään kissa ja voileipä toisiinsa, syntyykö siitä painovoimattomuus?

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 19.06.2009 03:20

you can search far and wide
you can drink the whole town dry
but you'll never find a beer so brown
but you'll never find a beer so brown
as the one we drink in our home town
as the one we drink in our home town
you can drink your fancy ales
you can drink em by the flagon
but the only brew for the brave and true...
comes form the green dragon

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 18.06.2009 02:26

...Torstai 18.06.2009 01:51

kuten jo tiesittekin niin olen erittäin avoin kaikelle erilaiselle musiikille :P
uusin tuttavuus (vaikka onkin vanha bändi) on Daft Punk :) vallan loistavaa trancea/elektronista musiikkia :)

ja kävin kattomassa tänään Coraline leffan 3Dnä O.O'
oliko edes paras animaatio elokuva pitkään aikaan ja tuo 3D kruunasi kaiken kyllä :)

huomenna iltavuoro töissä ja sit perjantaina aamulla jotenkin kivijärvelle päästävä
vaikka kaverilla olis kyllä mökkibileet ja kiinnostais iha hirveesti lähtee mut ei oo köyhällä varaa :'(

ja pyörässä on lukko ihan viturallaan :S jumittu PaskaSaatana,
joten se jäi keskustaan,
noh jos huomenna sais sen pois ja lukon toimimaan

joo, oli taas yksi näitä meikän "turhia" päiväkirja merkintöjä

myönnetään, nolojuttu :P

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 14.06.2009 15:03

Sitting in the dark,
I can't forget.
Even now,
I realize the time
I'll never get.
Another story
Of the Bitter Pills of Fate.
I can't go back again.
I can't go back again
But you asked me
To love you and I did.
Traded my emotions
For a contract to commit.
And when I got away,
I only got so far.
The Other Me Is Dead.
I hear his voice inside my head
We were never alive,
And we won't be born again.
[ Slipknot Lyrics are found on ]
But I'll never survive
With Dead Memories in my heart.
You told me to love you
And I did.
Tied my soul into a knot
And got me to submit.
So when I got away,
I only kept my scars.
The Other Me Is Gone.
Now I don't know where I belong
We were never alive,
And we won't be born again.
But I'll never survive
With Dead Memories in my heart.
Dead Visions in your Name.
Dead Fingers in my Veins.
Dead Memories in my Heart

:D :3 :) :3 :DLauantai 13.06.2009 04:34

Hi, /b/.

My wife has 2 problems. One is the fact that everytime she gets drunk she gets mean. She always looks for a fight, or a way to make me feel like shit. The other problem is that every morning after she gets drunk she has an explosive watery shit. One night she pushed me to far.

She was drunk of course and feeling a little frisky so we were messing around and I tried to put it in the butt, she got mad and started talking shit, about how I'm no good and my dick is small, and that she probally wouldn't even feel it. so we never did have sex.

After she went to sleep I couldn't get the pain of her saying my dick was small out of my head. I wanted to embarrass her as much as she embarrased me. So I got an Idea

I went to my sons room and got his bag of marbles. I then went to my secret stash and got a bottle of lube. I could just image her reactions when she shit's marbles the next morning. I lubed them up one at a time and slowly pushed each one in. About a hundered in all. I got so excited I jerked off then giggled my self to sleep.

The next morning I woke up so excited I couldn't stand it. I made alot of noise getting dressed so she would wake up. She did and not 3 minutes later she said "Oh my stomach. not again" and ran to the bathroom. I was in there brushing my teeth. Usually she would tell me to leave but the urge was to intense. She sat down and let it rip.

She damn near had a heart attack from the noise. The marbles hitting the porcelin sounded like a machine gun going off in the bathroon. She turned white as a sheet and stood up. Still shitting all over the place. Marbles rolling all over the floor as they bounced around. It took her a couple of minutes to put it all together. She screamed "What the fuck!?" I just laughed and laughed as she packed her shit and left.

I really do kind of miss her though.

OMNOMNOMN :3Keskiviikko 10.06.2009 19:50

uncle ben's sweet and sour kastiketta, kanan liekki viipaleita, pirkka wokkia ja nuudeleita

:O om nom nom nom omn

ja tietysti

Lucky Staria :3