
[Ei aihetta]Torstai 13.11.2008 15:21

Life ain't easy put it on eazy but we still Breathin
Takin a hit of the reefer sendin me straight to heaven
Chokin with my breezy
That herbal healin

Livin on green leaves that will make your heart bleed
Just go and let me split up the weed and be silent
-vahis productions

:(Keskiviikko 12.11.2008 13:23

Today is a sad, sad day. It's with anger and pain in our hearts, that we announce the long postponed ban on mushrooms starting from the 1st of december.
It is all over the newspapers in Holland, but there are no official annoucements yet. However, one newspaper states that it is the queen who will sign the law, after which it'll be in immediate effect and offcial announcements will be made to the public.

The plans from the governement to make mushrooms illegal, started when in 2007 a 17 year old french girl commit suicide by jumping of a bridge while under the influence of mushrooms.
If you ask us, we think that mushrooms are just the victim of pure politics. We don't see a ban on alcohol, even though there are thousands of people getting injured or killed each weekend after use of alcohol.

antakaa rahaaTorstai 06.11.2008 23:53

mulle saa lahjoittaa rahaa.
asiasta kiinnostuneet saa tilinumeron kysymällä.

oeoeoTorstai 06.11.2008 16:02


rakkautta ja piikkilankaaa!!!Keskiviikko 08.10.2008 17:33

ei onneks hajoile ku alkaa muistaa lauantai illan tapahtumia:D

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 30.09.2008 14:58

liikaa viinaa, liian monta päivää tai viikkoa, ehkä jopa kuukausia, paskat tätä on jatkunu jo vuosia.
Viikon putkesta useemman päivän krapula.. entä jos on juonu monta vuotta?.. apua...
ei auta blossit, ei ees rauhottavat, tästä jos selviän, lupaan parantaa kaikki pahat tavat
ja perjantaina bileet-

mikä darra?Maanantai 29.09.2008 17:24

mitennii paskana?jumissa? hapottaa?