1. Buffy
2. Game of Thrones
3. Dollhouse
4. Angel
WhoÂ’s your favorite character in 2? - Tyrion

WhoÂ’s your least favorite character in 1? - Riley

What’s your favorite episode of 4? - Ekan kauden 18. jakso Five by Five, koska Eliza Dushku vierailee siinä :) "Kill me Angel, I'm bad !" ._. *in awe*
WhatÂ’s your favorite season of 4? - 1
How long have you watched 1? - Kesäkuun lopusta, viiminen kausi menossa :)
How did you become interested in 3? - Eliza Dushku pääosassa ;)) ja Joss Whedonin tekele ! :)
Who’s your favorite actor in 4? - Kyllä se täytyy olla itse Angel, David Boreanaz.

Which show do you prefer—1, 2, or 4? - Tosi paha! Kakkonen poikkee paljo Buffyversestä, mut en tiiä. Kai Buffy on se ykkönen :)
Which show have you seen more episodes of—1 or 3? - Buffysta nyt 120+, Dollhousesta n. 20 :P
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? - Jaa-a. Lindsey on aika loistava kitaristi ja laulaja. Ehkä Lindsey ;)
How would you kill off your favorite character in 3? - Ei Elizan hahmoa vois tappaa :)
Give a random quote from 3. - "Did I fall asleep?" :)))
Would a 3/4 crossover work? - Toki, ihan siistiä sinänsä, koska Eliza näytelly molemmissa !
Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple - Fuffy edelleen, Faith/Buffy ! ;)
Overall, which show has a better cast—3 or 4? - Dollhousessa on Eliza, Angelissa on David ne parhaimmat. Jaa-a. Angelissa.
Which has the better theme music—2 or 4? - Game of Thronesissa on kyllä tosi hyvä intro.
Toisaalta, niin on Angelissaki.