

janikakaroliina : jjanikakaroliina

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097Sunnuntai 17.07.2011 08:59

Chris Webby - Wake up.

Yeah, check it.

It's my life.

It's my life.

I can't go every day with being sober.
It gets kind of hard trying to cope
with this devil on my shoulder.
Belvi and some soda
like well I'm getting closer
to either heaven or hell
every second I get older.

Till I'm dead or in a coma,
I'ma live life like
it ain't over till it's over
you're supposed to live every day
like it was your last.
But that and itself is a really hard concept
for me to grasp.

'Cause if this was my last 24
I'd probably spend at least 3 or 4
praying to God for 20 more.
I'm lookin' in the mirror
at the man in front of me,
like I know everybody goes
but I'm 23.
That's why I come off as wreckless
respect it
I'm getting my moneys worth every second.

I'm less than perfect,
but so are you.
So who are you to judge me?
I don't judge you.

I'm not sober all the time
and you bring me down,
at least you try.
Until we see this eye to eye,
I don't want you.

What's life?
Fuck life.
Yo I'm telling you what.
I'm a nineteen year old
rebellious fuck.
Living each day like the next I might not wake up.
That's why I always stay puffin' a blunt
with a full cup.

Poppin' pills out the bottle
till it's hollow.
I'm going to hell
and y'all are more than welcome to follow.
And if I'm not here tomorrow
light an L in my memory.
Pour out some hennessy.
Fuck it,
just remember me.

Gotta know I made a mark
on the short time I'm on Earth,
since birth,
I've been spittin' it
proving my fucking worth.
And for what?
I try to give a fuck
but I can't
cause it sucks to be me
but I am who I am
and I am just a man
who will stand with his hands
in front of him;
Just waiting for some shit to hit the fan
and I cannot stop.
Music fuels my every movement
and drug abusing helps bring creativity to my music.

I may not be into a reality
but my music is sick
and I'm so high
that I defy gravity.
So fuck being sober,
live life and enjoy it.
Yeah, 'cause soon enough the ride will be over.

I'm not sober all the time
and you bring me down,
at least you try.
Until we see this eye to eye,
I don't want you.

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