Why should i fast Ramadan?
Every year, Muslims from all of the world waiting hot, this great month, because they know how great advantages and great rewards they are going to get in this month.
Here are some of the great rewards of this month that they know.
1. They know that the reward of Ramadan month is so great and no one can know the exact value of this reward except God, (Allah). Prophet narrated that Allah had said, 'All the deeds of Adam's sons are for himself, except the fast which is for me, (for that) I am going to give its rewards to him, by myself), which means He will be so generous while giving its rewards.
2. They know that who had fast one day for the sake of Allah, he will be far from the fire of the hell by seventy years, then how about fasting thirty days!
3. They know that the fast will be the intercession for them at the afterworld till it will take them to Paradise.
4. They know that there is a gate at the paradise. Its name is (Ray-yan). No one can enter from that gate except who were fasting at the world.
5. They know that the fast of Ramadan will erase all the sins that they did in their life.
6. They know that all the gates of paradise will be open at Ramadan month, and all the gates of the Hell fire will close at this month.
7. They know that whatever they may ask God about their wishes will be responded at Ramadan, (either soon or later).
For that, you find Muslims every year, trying all their best to be active in their worships through this great month, so that they will get, all the great rewards and advantages of this month.
Let me first give you some background knowledge about Ramadan.
Allah had ordered us to fast Ramadan at the second year of Hijra, (I mean the emigration of Prophet (PBUH) and his companions to Medina. By this emigration, the Islamic calendar had begun). It means that Allah had ordered us to fast Ramadan month before more than 1400 year.
Fasting the month of Ramadan, will help us to strive not to be astray to do sins. Also by it we will practice to get strength holding ourselves. (not to eat or drink from dawn till sundown for every day of this month). (Not to do intercourse with wife from dawn till sundown along all the days of this month). But both spouses can touch, hug and kiss each others, but they should hold themselves not to flash sperms, because that will break the fast of that day, but after the sundown till the dawn of each day of Ramadan, they can do intercourse and flash.
Knowing that, Allah had ordered Muslims to fast in two stages. First it was optional, any Muslim can do it or not, but after that it became an order to do it each year. (Of course except for who is ill or has reasonable reasons not to fast).
Allah had ordered us to fast, it was in two stages. First it was too hard like this.
If anyone, had slept after sundown, or he hadn't broken his fast till supper pray time; then he has to continue his fast till the next day, which means he neither can (eat, drink) nor he can do intercourse at night with his wife till he will break his fast at the next day, which it was harder than the fast that we are doing nowadays.
Once Omar ibn Al-khat-tab had come to his home and he asked his wife to come to the bed, but she told him that she slept after sundown. He told her, 'No you may not.' And he slept with her, but after that he recognized the mistake that he did. He went to Prophet asking him whether Allah will forgive him.
Another story had happened at that time also. He was aba Qays, who came home so tired, because of his work at his farm. However, while he was waiting the food, that his wife was preparing it, he slept, and he could not break his fast until the sundown of the next day, but next day while he was working at his farm, he felt so tired and he could not work and he fell down faint.
***to be continue