


so fucking proud of these days

which rock chic are you?Lauantai 17.01.2009 23:32

TARJA TURUNEN :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD reväytin perseeni...... "Tarja Turunen, not the prettiest of the female rockers, but you ould get somewhere if you learn to not open your eyes as far as they can go when you have your picture taken. lol, nah, i'm only messing, you are quite pretty and you have an amzing dress sense. You have a wide taste in music, but you tend to worry what people will think of you, relax!!" voi vittu kiitti

'kk ton toisen testin kelly osbourne oli paljo parempi...

.................. ei ois pitäny tehä tota kolmatta olin hayley williams ==)

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