


Jos sä tahdot niin, tulen kallioiden läpi. Jos sä tahdot niin, what ever makes you happy.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 07.04.2008 01:51

Behind the closed doors
Behind the gray walls there is an army
Of no regrets
Killing and slaughtering innocence
Behind the smoke they fight

Drink the liquid evil
Then bleed it out, cry it out
Serve the liquid evil
And die with it
And die with it

They'll sacrifice whatever it takes
Whatever it takes
They'll justify whatever it takes
Whatever it takes

Drink the liquid evil
Then bleed it out, cry it out
Serve the liquid evil
And die with it
Just die with it

Drink the liquid evil
Then bleed it out, cry it out
Serve the liquid evil
And die with it
Die with it.

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