
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

mä oon niin pirun hauska jee 8DKeskiviikko 13.05.2009 22:30

You: hellou
Stranger: Hi ! Where are you from ?
You: finland? And u?
Stranger: RAAAAH ! It is a finnish invasion !
Stranger: :D
Stranger: I'm french
You: okeiii 8D
Stranger: How old are you ?
You: oh i see are you f/m =
You: i'm 57 perv man
You: that was joke
You: 16
Stranger: aha
Stranger: I'm a boy. 16 years too.
You: okay, i'm girl
Stranger: Oh, seriously ? nice :D
Stranger: What do you like ?
You: yeah
Stranger: If you said you are a geek, I will marry you.
Stranger: Oh :( are you AFK ?
You: geek afk, what those mean??
Stranger: :(
Stranger: Do you like video games, computer, science, heroic fantasy, old games ?
You: oh i get it. well i am kinda geek, but i have little outside-life too
You: but i'm gonna leave my computer a while and try that AFK
Stranger: Are you a "nolife" ?
You: kinda
Stranger: My english is poor sorry
You: that's okay. just make me feel better
You: i'm just kidding
You: sorry <3

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