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pintandwefall - That X-BoxTorstai 08.11.2007 23:59

Cluedo ain't my game YEH
'cos it's scary
and I don't like puzzles
'cos the're too heavy

Twister is allright YEH
but it can get too
boring if you have to
play it alone

I don't know how to draw YEH
so pictionary
ain't my cup of tee NO
and neither is scrabble

Monopoly is too hard YEH
I never win there
and chess I've got clue of
how to play it

I have an X-Box,
You've got Nintendo,
But that's a bit different, YEH

Backgammon I can't spell YEH
so I won't play it
and oak it is too dull it's got
only two colours

I dislike playing cards YEH
because the hearts always
slip away from my hands
it's so depressing

Roulette is too tough YEH
and alias I like but
no-one ever get's my

Sex is one I like YEH
but I don't think it
qualifies as a game so
all I know is

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