Today I woke up first time aprox. 9am. I thought I should sleep for a while 'cause there's a hard day coming up. Second time I woke was about 11:30am and I stood up and fed the cat. Coffee was great which I made after feeding the angry and frighting animal. I took a pint and filled it with that black aromatically smelling liquid and pourred a little bit of milk just to cool it. I sat on my chair next to my computer and sitted for like hour reading some stupid shit people had showelled to my mail again. 12:45 I jumped in my car and drove to work with my workmates. The beginning of the day was so great so I thougt that the rest of the day would be also. WRONG.
The first job was kind of cool, I had quite fun actually with it, but the second one with glue was awful. I messed up myself and some of the floor with it 'cause some ASSHOLE hadn't closed the fucking top of the fucking bucket which holds aprox. 20l glue. So there I was standing on the clue and yelling some typical cursewords LOUDLY offcourse. Someone had to clean that shit up so I started to do that and it wasn't cool at all. 'Cause of that misshap I had to keep such a hurry on whole rest of the day. I'm so wasted right now. Happily there's some good shit coming from tv soon so I can just kick the socks off and sit and relax. Hopely nothing messes up that for me.