siivosin kaapin takaosan. sieltä löyty vaikka mitä kivaa:
- tyhjiä levyjä
- kynä
- raamit
- pitsihansikas samettigoottivuosiltani
- joulukalenteri (?)
- pinnejä
- pölyä
- panta
- webkamera (?)
- taskulamppu
- homehtunut mandariininkuori
- nemilehti
mutta ei sims 2 universityä mitä etsin!
I feel so touched,
When you run your mouth,
About how you want,
To kill this or that,
When in reality,
You have to realize,
People change,
and Not everyone will like you,
You can't have everything,
So just be happy,
To exist or not,
With or without,
Whoever the hell,
Whenever the fuck,
Because no one will care,
Except for yourself,
It's a cold harsh world,
But we all keep going,
On and on without showing,
The deepest cuts,
The darkest secrets,
Corrupt or not,
Kept well hidden,
To hide the plot,
Whatever that means,
Just know that I'm not,
Some silly little play thing,
In the midst of your games,
I've got better things,
Bigger fish to fry,
and Limitless dreams,
To be concerned with,
Life is amazing,
Once you open your eyes,
Find something better to focus on,
There's new things out there still,
Hear my words,
The pastor does speak,
Upon this verse,
I strike-out the weak