


takes the lead from here

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crazyTiistai 21.07.2009 01:38

I think im getting crazyer and crazyer,
My head explode, and it will,
Im getting crazy inside and
The sky is so blue, and sometimes so black,
And the flashs is destroying all,
And im inside the house,
And i feel how the walls is falling over me,
And they are pushing me to the corner,
They are pushing me to the bridge,
jumping over the edge,
The sommer is green and when the winter,
The cool winter is comming,
Everything dies and my soul dies,
My head has been dead for an while,
But my heart is beating,
Its beating for it last beat,
Ived heard that when people take the last breath,
They really feel alive,
When your dying you really know the bright of the life,
But still, nothing is not more important than be alive,
Because when you have jump of the bridge,
You cant go back anymore.
If im getting crazy,
I still know that suicide is not the right desicion,
So i have learn something ha?
When the world is falling apart,
I know how to surviveÂ…

By living,
And when im so crazy that i cant seperade the right from the wrong,
I will give up living the great life,
And i will go get help,
But until thenÂ… ill survive.

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