


takes the lead from here

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little liarPerjantai 20.11.2009 20:04

I was taught to never tell a lie
To look you in the eye and tell it like it is.
Always thought that you would be the same
It's such a shame that's not the way it is.

I was fooled by your innocence.
And my love for you was so intense.
With our connection only physical,
If it got me through the night
Well, that's a lie.

A simple question makes you look away.
Your hesitation gives it all away.
There's some protection in the way you move.
If there's sadness in my eyes,
It's coming from your lies.

You want to sleep with me, but payback's tough.
Why don't you call me when you're all grown up?
If there's a change in you, I'll know it's true.
Hey little liar, I believed in you.

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