You: hey you
Stranger: yo yo yooooooo
You: yo yo
You: how r u
Stranger: how can i help you?
You: tell me are u boy or girl or BOTH??
Stranger: what would be the preferred response? ;)
You: u choose that
Stranger: a girl
Stranger: you?
You: really?
You: i think thats not true.......................
Stranger: yes, why the surprise?! ha
Stranger: 50/50 chance
You: true
Stranger: well.......not quite. theres actually more girls on the planet cos we're ace :)
Stranger: so how old are you?
You: where r u from
You: im both, girl and boy: i have tits and cock
Stranger: UK
You: im from poland
Stranger: now then...........that IS doubtful ha
You: yeah
Stranger: so you like cock and pussy?! wow
Stranger: lucky 'person'
You: well i like pussies cause i have cock so i can put it into a girl
Stranger: but you have man titties?
You: no, real tits
Stranger: you a fatty fatty bum fudger?
You: maybe...
Stranger: dyou pack fudge?
Stranger: could you take a cock?
You: i was just joking.. im boy, 18 years and i live in holland
You: your real asl :D?
Stranger: well i was joking too ha. 18, m if your sad, you'll disconnect cos im not a girl
You: hahh...boys boys...
You: i can stay if u want
Stranger: so what brings you here?
You: excitiment
Stranger: and how many ppl dyou actually reckon tell the truth?!
You: you? loneliness?
Stranger: ive come from pretty much every country in the world ha
You: many
Stranger: no not lonliness, im avoiding writing an essay
You: hahh.. i have something to tell you
Stranger: im far from lonely
Stranger: go on
You: this is now the truth: WE are two girls from finland... and we are 16
You: and this time we are telling the truth :)
You: we were just having fun by other people
You: are you angry?
Stranger: haha.......... I did that with my mate last night. we were agreeably quite drunk
Stranger: not at all. its funny
You: we arent drunk now but last night yeah
Stranger: we pretended we were a 13 yr old girl and got the weirdest person!
You: hahh :D
Stranger: then we said we were reporting him to child safety lol
You: but you're still 18, m and uk??
Stranger: he started talking about sex and shit, it was like. :| woah, im 13
Stranger: yer, i am def 18 m uk
Stranger: .........or am i? ;)
Stranger: (i am)
You: we hope so ;)
You: good
Stranger: ha, so have you met any weirdos on here yet? theres an abundance
Stranger: i would hope that im not one of the majority!
You: yeah.. one 12 year girl from china who sopoke extremele good english
You: she was weird
Stranger: ha, everyone speaks good english it seems. makes me feel inferior as i'm quite simply shite at languages
Stranger: english is my only one ha
You: hahhh... we have many languages
Stranger: many are you again?!
You: german, swedish, finnish, english and france ;)
You: two girls :)
You: those are the languages that we speak
Stranger: so what shall we talk about? i need further excuses not to do this work ha
You: i speak german, my friend next to me doesnt but she speaks france and i dont
You: do you watch football? ;)
Stranger: and thats an impressive number of languages!
You: :D
Stranger: I do yes. support tottenham. you?
You: liverpool :)
Stranger: how come?!
Stranger: cos theyre good, and have a red kit? ha
You: fernando torres plays there, and liverpool is just the best :)
You: that's true, they are good
Stranger: my art teachers both support liverpool so i have many chats with them about football ha
You: that's cool
Stranger: in fact, they distract me from work just as you are
Stranger: you should meet them. you have a lot in common lol
Stranger: (jokes)
You: :D
Stranger: well then. this is weird, talking to a stranger with both a cock and tits........
Stranger: didnt see that one coming
You: haha
Stranger: so what music you listening to right now?
You: what kind of mus
You: sry..
You: just asking the same..
Stranger: ha, same question u were guna ask me?!
You: we are big fans of enrique iglesias, u know him?
You: we were in his gig on thursday, it was awesome!!
Stranger: oh deary me, yes i do. cant think of anything worse ha! :D
Stranger: i shall forgive you
You: only this one time ;)
You: well, who is your favourite?
Stranger: yes, any other mistakes like that and it'll be an instant disconnect..... ha
You: you are so right :)
Stranger: name another band you like then? this is ur last shot
You: katy perry is pretty good for example
You: is it bad?
You: should i say some english band?
Stranger: thats ok.........
You: im releaved'
Stranger: i'll forgive you because you seem more interesting than the other weirdos ive found on here ha
Stranger: so why are you not out having fun if you have a friend over?!
You: oh, im a weirdo?
Stranger: for me, this is a means of passing the boredom
You: because we are waiting for the night
You: and sometimes it gets so bored in finland...........
Stranger: no no.........others are weirdos. well you might be weird, i have no idea :D
You: are we?
You: :D
Stranger: ah i see, are you going out?
You: yes
You: with other friends :)
Stranger: not to drink surely? your not 18.......
You: no no, not this night
Stranger: :0 ha
You: of course not
You: not after this morning :D
Stranger: had me worried then. deary me ha.
Stranger: what happened this morning?
You: :)
You: i had a terrible headache
You: so don't you ever drink?
You: are you good boy?
Stranger: i did too........self inflicted though
You: bad boy?
Stranger: yes i do........drank a bit last night, but i know when to stop ha
You: we like bad boys
Stranger: define your idea of a 'bad boy' ha
You: well not a sissy
You: u know..
Stranger: yer i know
You: are u sissy?
Stranger: i wouldnt say i was a sissy
You: hahh
You: that is really good to hear
Stranger: however, i cant watch scary films ha!
Stranger: cant be doing with it
You: me either
You: *neither
Stranger: my last girlfriend was obsessed with them. its hardly the most romantic way to set up your night is it!
Stranger: she had to go lol
You: do u have girl now?
Stranger: no no, i'm single and very happy with that fact!
You: ;)
Stranger: i can go out with friends and not feel guilty if i even look at a girl ha
You: yeah
Stranger: if you know what i mean
You: yes i do
You: so was your ex, jealous?
Stranger: yer a bit. she was just worryingly in love and i didnt want anything serious ha
Stranger: im only 18 ffs.
Stranger: (or so you i've led you to believe......;) )
You: yes, you are not getting married yet
You: :D
Stranger: perhaps im a 50 yr old dodgy old man
You: perhaps
Stranger: and perhaps you are too ha
Stranger: neither of us has proof, which is what makes it hilarious
You: you are so smart :)
You: yeah
Stranger: so what hobbies dyou have?
Stranger: the 2 of you..........i dont want your friend left out of course
You: jogging, biking, flirting
Stranger: (unless she's imaginary)
You: of course not :)
You: we both write in turns... or how to say it...?
Stranger: flirting........does that count as a hobby?! ha
You: of course, girls do it all the time
Stranger: yer i get you.
You: its yes actually
Stranger: ha, i usually say sexercise is a hobby of mine, but only as a joke
You: and you cant know who is writing at the moment
You: sexercise :)
Stranger: my other hobbies would be tennis, sailing, mountain climbing, being outdoors
You: you are naughty
You: nice
You: sporty guy?
Stranger: yes, sexercise, the most natural thing in the world ha.
You: hahahh
Stranger: i like to keep my heart healthy
Stranger: so yer, id prob say i was sporty
You: what you mean was?
You: and its yes actually, again
You: :D
You: we are just teasing a bit :)
Stranger: ha........sarcasm isnt easy to detect on here ha
Stranger: 'oh you tease'........dodgy pervert voice
You: farted
Stranger: departed
You: yep
Stranger: i feel the whole conversation is now confusing me.........I like. ha
You: you like to be confused
Stranger: we've gone from sexercise to 'fart' in the space of 2 mins
Stranger: something isnt quite right ha
You: probably we are....something...
Stranger: being confused is good, its like a journey of self discovery
You: hmm.. true i guess
Stranger: whats the opposite of opposite?
You: i dunno
You: do you know, says enrique
Stranger: neither do I..........
Stranger: would you dance, if i asked you to dance?
You: and the way that you move oh, you make me feel alive
You: or would run and never look back
You: i can be your HEROOOOOOO
Stranger: would you cry if you saw me crying?!!
You: can u be ours?
Stranger: would you really do that, just for me?!
You: would you tremble if i touched your lips
Stranger: ive lost what is enrique and what is you ha
You: would YOU tremble if WE touched YOUR lips?
Stranger: good old enrique, he's all over us
You: answer the question
You: !
Stranger: oh i would tremble like the trembliest of trembly things
You: we trembled on thursday
Stranger: its hard to imagine. it would be picked up on the richter scale
You: i touched his knee and he looked me in the eyes<3
Stranger: did enrique touch your lips?!
You: at the concert of course
You: no no.. but he touched us emotionally
Stranger: i think even i wouldn't turn THAT down. he would turn me gay lol
Stranger: (sarcasm)
You: of course he would, he has some very strange strong power
Stranger: did he gently stroke your emotional shoulders?
Stranger: that would be a surreal experience
You: yeah it would
You: that could be u
Stranger: you know what, im starting to like the guy
You: that is our goal
Stranger: haha! wow, what a lucky guy
You: yes, are you jealous?
You: you should be
Stranger: i bet he got a backstage pass ;)
You: probably
Stranger: enrique must be gay
Stranger: i hate to break it to you
You: no no no.. he is not, he just got engaged with anna kournikova
You: that bitch :((
You: she took our guy
Stranger: has he?! well that shut me up ha
You: hahah
Stranger: well, she's pretty amazing!
Stranger: he's a lucky gella
Stranger: *fella
You: really?
You: i don't think so
Stranger: well she plays tennis and is fit, so those 2 facts make her amazing ha
You: but anna kournikova is like me.... blond, blue eyes and she play tennis like i used to :P
Stranger: well then perhaps you are amazing too, if you look anything like her! ha
You: we both are amazing girls
Stranger: well beauty is in the eye of the beholer
Stranger: *beholder
You: yeah
Stranger: and there are no eyes involved yet
Stranger: I have no idea what you look like, and you have no idea what i look like. the mystery is overwhelming lol
You: yes yeah haha
You: yeah..
Stranger: if you both like even slightly like Anna (im on first name terms with her) then your amazing ha
You: yeah, we are :D
Stranger: if you played doubles tennis then my excitement would be uncontrolable
Stranger: i would definately tremble
You: you should see us playing
You: playing everything...
Stranger: well you should see me playing. some say i have to serve of a god
Stranger: *ther
You: i would like to try you
You: we would
You: we are getting naughty
You: sry..
Stranger: to try me? ha. how does that one work
You: i don't know, you tell me
Stranger: oh but i'm an innocent boy. a sissy ha
You: :)
Stranger: i've never 'tried' a girl in my life
Stranger: not even held hands. lol
You: you are not telling the truth
Stranger: (the sarcasm is immeasurable)
You: i knew it!
You: are u a player?
Stranger: well i wouldnt mess girls around, but as i said before, being single is good!
Stranger: read between the lines ha
You: players are good at one night things but as boyfriend, impossible
Stranger: yer definately. as a boyfriend, im simply incredible
You: so its good if you are in the golden crown
You: nice
Stranger: the golden crown? whats that
You: you know, the golden middle way???
Stranger: nope.........
Stranger: should i be embarrassed that i dont know?! ha
You: no no.. we can't explain it
Stranger: why not?
You: wait..
Stranger: ok
Stranger: brb
You: it is like, that you are not a bad player, but you are not a too good guy, it is like between those
You: brb`??
You: Golden mean??? got it from wikipedia
Stranger: be right back.......brb
Stranger: as you might have guessed, im back
Stranger: :)
You: oh, we thought that you burped :D
Stranger: sorry, im trying to tidy my bedroom at the same time. keeping myself busy
You: hahhh
You: lo
You: l
Stranger: hahaaa! why would i type 'burp' ha
You: cause we 'farted'
Stranger: almost as bad as you typing 'farted'
Stranger: sexy stuff right there lol
You: really :D
You: we are laughing at this conversation at the moment
Stranger: in opposite land..........yes
Stranger: so am i........its quite funny.
You: especially the "fart" and "brb"
Stranger: hopefully you arent laughing at me, but if you are then so be it! ha
You: no we are just laughing at these things
You: and our misunderstoods
Stranger: ha, was it a genuine 'lol' moment
Stranger: that phrase is over-used
You: it really is
You: lol lol lol between every line
Stranger: ha, i had many genuine lol moments with yesterdays covos
Stranger: *convos
You: so is your bedroom dirty?
Stranger: no, but what happens in it is.
Stranger: WHEYYY
Stranger: jokes
You: we can come and make it dirtyer
Stranger: anyway, i've got to go for some food now! what a shame, i was quite liking this chat
You: dirtier ?
You: would u like continue it?
Stranger: yes, dirtier. that would be difficult ;)
You: oh, you really are naughty
Stranger: how can we?
You: msn?
Stranger: ah yer, forgot about that! ha
You: u have?
Stranger: ***********@
You: share it with us... ;)
Stranger: i'll be back! ha