


U Claim U Feelin My Pain But U Really Dont Give A Damn


- Vanhemmat »

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.05.2008 12:28

Över min döda kropp, jag skjuter när jag söker hopp,
men ser dig varje gång när jag sluter mina ögonlock.
Sanningen är den att jag saknar dig idag,
även fast vi har bestämt att inte prata på ett tag.
Försöker bara tänka på att allting löser sig,
men gråter då och då när det känns som att jag behöver dig.
Det var mitt eget fel, jag kunde stannat och chansat
även fast jag inte kunde andas.

jaSunnuntai 11.05.2008 12:27

Sen jag flyttade har jag försökt att glömma allt
men minnen vaknar ibland och får mig att önska att jag var där.
Hemma med familjen, med mina vänner,
har känt det på mig sen jag flyttade hur livet vände
Molnen flockades och min himmel blev svart,
livet springer iväg och jag har svårt att hinna i kapp.

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 02.03.2008 15:39

(Good Lord, May God have mercy on my soul)
I love her, but you never would know
That by the way I just let my girl go
With tears in her eyes from years of the lyinÂ’
She backed on up and disappeared down the drive-
Way, hey, what can I say, all we have is nothing today
I did my thing, and she did hers,
But my crimeÂ’s a wee bit worse
And now IÂ’m sitting her all alone with my guilt
Just me and the dogs and home that we built
It was then it was hers, even though Bubba bought it
But Bubba wouldnÂ’t leave just like her mother called it
From the P, hold it to the blue flame
God, forgive me for causing you pain
All it was, ainÂ’t no more, cause my babys gone
And when it rains it pours.

She tried to tell me I needed to be strong
I wasnÂ’t listening, and now my babyÂ’s gone

One for the pleasure, two for the sin
Three for the family we coulda been
Had I not been so concerned
With this life no spoken words
CouldnÂ’t begin to undue whatÂ’s done
Deep within I know that you must run
Far away, from the thought of my smile
And the broken dream of us walking that isle
I first saw betty in my nanny white's yard...
The breast where the best, and the fanny “my lord”
I fly country girl, just working them gifts
SheÂ’s my queen, was a virgin I guess
But I ainÂ’t never ask, and ainÂ’t never tell
But Betty had the cash every time I went to jail
And how did I reward her loyalty
Let her walk in and see her cousin Joy on me


ItÂ’s been six months, and still no word
I try to carry on like it still donÂ’t hurt
Hoes come around, but I still wontÂ’ flirt
Drinking worse, and the pills donÂ’t work
Last I heard she was in Birmingham
Living with a good hard working man
And lookinÂ’ back on it, thatÂ’s exactly what she wanted
Not a rebel with a passion for the moment
I live for the fiddle, and a kick, and a snare
I take my love and I stick it in there
Moved a jimmy and made this song
All because my baby is gone
- Vanhemmat »