
Put your music player on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first twenty songs. Post the poem that results. The first line of the twenty-first song is the title.


remember when i left you
cecilia, you're breaking my heart
all these people drinking lover's spit
so let the people talk
thirty licks with a belt - playing tricks on myself

I'll kiss you once yeah I'll kiss you twice
she would never say where she came from
so long ago, I don't remember when
leave me out with the waste this is not what i do
give me peace and chemicals, I wanna run into

IÂ’m not afraid of the black man running
and each strand of her hair is really insect eyes
IÂ’m just like rolling a stone up
when I look back upon my life
cold and drizzly night in chicago's deep dish

I took my love, I took down
his name was Perry
broken boys look good sitting on their shoes
pack up
the piercing radiant moon

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