


(en ole turkulainen!)

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 12.09.2006 22:41

Jee Tiny Toons alkaa taas telkusta :D nostalgiaa, tykkäsin siitä aikanaan ihan hulluna. Siitä on jääny monia hokemia jotka naurattaa edelleen. Toinen asia mikä alkoi taas äsken naurattaamaan on yksi koekysymys joka oli lamiksessa yhdessä työturvallisuus-kokeessa: "miksi työssä olevaa traktoria pitää väistää?". Koko luokka taisi revetä, se siitä kokeen aikana hiljaa olemisesta :'D Täytänpä profeetan ja sitten menen saunaan.

Put your music player on shuffle.
* Press forward for each question.
* Use the song title as the answer to the question.
* Also pick a line from the song to define the answer.
* No cheating!

How am I feeling today?:
She came home for christmas
"It's not me, it can't be. It's not you. I can't do what I do if it's you. This is not happening."

Will I get far in life?:
Tell me this night is over
"I just wanna be fun, just wanna be the one who makes you smile"

How do my friends see me?:
Runaway train
"Little outta touch, little insane"

Will I Ever Get Married?:
This is the new shit
"Blah, blah, blah, got your lovey-dovey sad-and-lonely"

What is the story of my life?
"Memories seem like so long ago. Time always kills the pain"

What is/was highschool like?
Stupid girls
"Where, oh where, have the smart people gone?"

How can I get ahead in life?:
"korjaan kaiken myöhemmin"

What is the best thing about me?:
"no doubt I'll keep my pride but it may be hard to find"

How is today going to be?
Nobody know
"I peek out from behind these walls. I think nobody knows"

What is in store for this weekend?:
Everlasting love
"where life really goes, no one really knows"

What song describes my parents?
You knew i couldn't last
"so donÂ’t let the blue eyes fool you. theyÂ’re just gelignite loaded and aiming right between your eyes"

My grandparents?:
This woman's work
"I know you have a lot of strength left."

How is my life going?:
Open your eyes
"Get up get out get away from these liars cause they don't get your soul or your fire"

What song will they play at my funeral?:
There you'll be
"when i look back on these day, i'll look and see your face"

How does the world see me?:
"tivolitkaan ei saa mua nauramaan, eikä sirkus tai sata hattaraa"

Will I have a happy life?:
I'm okay
"Never knew just where to turn for shelter from the storm"

What do my friends really think of me?:
Levoton tuhkimo
"Pöydässäsi ei oo yhtään ystävää, kaikki tietää sun tuhkimotarinas nimeltään"

Do people secretly lust after me?:
Olkaa yksin ja juoskaa karkuun
"mistä tässä selviydytään, mikä on mennyt vikaan"

How can I make myself happy?:
Have a little faith in me
"Give these loving arms a try"

What should I do with my life?:
Break me
"You could hurt me using the sharp end of what you say"

Will I ever have children?:
Ballad of Maxwell Demon
"sometimes i wonder if i'm still alive"

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