kanako: Yees!
Joana: OK
masami: GACKTÂ’s men-only festival seems to have been really cool! It seems he is really popular with men, too…
kanako: It seems like it! However, his former-male transgender fans couldnÂ’t participate in that!(laughs)
masami: Really? ThatÂ’s too bad. Was it because their heart is female?
kanako: They were told itÂ’s because their looks are female.
masami: I see…
kanako: Speaking of GACKT, he has been presenting his own iPhone on TV the other day…
masami: What for?
kanako: They were playing game app for iPhone. He can finish it in 5 seconds! But he said itÂ’s easier to do it with his own iPhone, so he took his own one out. (laughs)There was like a game on the iPhone, a real simple one, where you had to tab the screen for 5 seconds to win. But it seemed that the iPhone from the Studio was kinda hard to use, so he pulled out his own.
masami: ArenÂ’t iPhones all the same in the end…? Either way, this issue is showing GACKT without a shirt and he is displaying his six-pack quite a bit. And also, there is the report on the GazettE, which is the same live Kanako-san went to, isnÂ’t it? The one in ZEPP Tokyo
kanako: Yeah, I went to ZEPP Tokyo! The hall has really been shaking^^!
masami: Why did it shake so much?
Joana: Because the lives are really aggressive!
kanako: I even dropped my pen. ^^
masami: Is it really that aggressive? I am looking forward to the report at mJp, too!
Joana: When I went to the Shinkiba STUDIO COAST live I bruised quite a bit.
kanako: You went to Shinkiba? How was it?
Joana: It was great, but standing more to the front is pretty dangerous!
masami: Bruises?
Joana: They played lots of my favorite songs! Some, which you usually donÂ’t get to hear!
masami: Like what?
Joana: The one I cheered most about was “Toguro”, because I first heard it at a live in Germany. And then there was the “flower part”… “Sumire”, “Hana Kotoba”, “Guren”.
masami: I see. So what do you think about the live pictures from this issue of Arena 37℃. Are they cool?
Joana: Compared to GACKT? (laughs)
masami: No no, just as live pictures.
kanako: Uruha is showing his legs again! Personally, I like ReitaÂ’s macho back in this.
Joana: hehehe
masami: So who is Ruki draping himself around?
Joana: ItÂ’s probably Uruha…XD
masami: Of course you would know. (laughs) … So next, letÂ’s talk about YOMI! That dog looks kinda…too long. >.<
kanako: That dog is shocking! But YOMIÂ’s face kinda resembles that of Tackey from Tackey&Tsubasa…
Joana: If that dog is standing up, it is probably taller than YOMI…
masami: Uhaaaa…but the pictures are really cute!
kanako: They are cute! YOMI is just small! (laughs)
Joana: Small vocalists usually have the biggest voices and the biggest egos…(laughs) ItÂ’s the same with KraÂ’s Keiyuh, isnÂ’t it?
kanako: Certainly! There are a lot of bands, whose vocalists are pretty short! Like hy●e!
Joana: Or DIR EN GREYÂ’s Kyo…or SuGÂ’s Takeru…or SadieÂ’s Mao…
masami: Ooooh…it seems like YOMI is listening to abingdon boys school a lot lately.
Joana: hahahaha their vocalist is small, too.
masami: For sure!
kanako: There have been live reports on abingdon boys school, havenÂ’t there? ^^ masami: Yes there were! Like the one at Makuhari Messe Hall! In the last issue of Arena 37℃ Nishikawa was on the front, wasnÂ’t he?
kanako: He seems to be busy with abingdon boys school and his solo project at once! I think the outfits of abingdon boys school are a lot cuter though.
Joana: I think so, too.
kanako: After all, not many other bands are using school uniforms these days.
Joana: It seems like it…
kanako: Speaking of costumes, there is one artist who is completely outstanding in his costume this time! (laughs)
masami: Great! You mean the one Joana started laughing at the moment she saw it? kanako: ThatÂ’s certainly a couple of pages you canÂ’t get tired of looking at!
Joana: Absolutely!!!!!
kanako: Maybe itÂ’s enough to buy that issue just for those pages! (laughs)
Joana: It certainly doesnÂ’t fit his image!!! I start laughing just by thinking about it…
kanako: Rather than his usual cool self, he is a little more mischievous…(laughs) Although, live there are a lot of mischievous moments as well!
masami: So, what kind of costume is Tora of Alice Nine wearing then?
Check ARENA37℃ vol.332 at coolJAPANstore!

ARENA37℃ vol.332 May. 2010 UVERworld, GACKT, the GazettE, Tohoshinki, Alice Nine