


Wants her own Superman

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 09.06.2009 14:54

What a waste of life this is, every altercation I permit is
Like a quiet sigh
From a man resigned to a place that was never his
And the hours are long, even in a world where I belong
Every second stays, every minute counts against my sentence

I FallÂ…I had to let you goÂ…

What I tried to accomplish died – every offer of faith I had
To fight and a dream unfolds
The moon is cold because the sun left early
And the days go by, even when my conscience just wonÂ’t try
Every week decays, every month is rotten -

I fallÂ… I had to let you go
I fallÂ…my mind is all I know
I fallÂ… the table turns to dust
I fallÂ… today, I let go of my trust

What a waste of time I am, every ounce of life is
Just dead flesh
I canÂ’t forget, but then again you canÂ’t let me remember
When I try to speak, every word I say comes out so bleak
I donÂ’t want this, I donÂ’t want you
I donÂ’t want anyoneÂ…

I fallÂ… I had to let you go
I fallÂ…my mind is all I know
I fallÂ… the table turns to dust
I fallÂ… today, I let go of my trust
I let go of my trust

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