
ehkä mun uus vuos on sittenki tätäKeskiviikko 31.12.2008 03:57

make sanoo (1:48):
kappas oot mesessäkin :D

karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:49):
kappas ofcourse
msn is my life <3
jne jne -.-
make sanoo (1:49):
i can see that
karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:49):
well it`s greit
make sanoo (1:49):
faaaking greatt-
karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:49):
it is your life too?
make sanoo (1:50):
no no no ;D!
karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:50):
okei . what is your life like now?

make sanoo (1:50):
mm like a COMPUTER
karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:51):
-_- OMG
make sanoo (1:51):
or not
karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:51):
maybe or not-.-
make sanoo (1:51):
we should get a life
should to !

karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:52):
wouw, shut up ! i have a faking great life
make sanoo (1:52):
shut UP you too" i dont believe you
karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:52):
but maybe you get a life and very fast

make sanoo (1:52):
well i should try
karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:53):
and when you start that?
make sanoo (1:53):
like now
and i aredry find it
karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:53):
wouw. what you doing now?
make sanoo (1:53):
karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:54):
wouww, realy?! you really find it?
tell me more
make sanoo (1:54):
fine i didint find it JET ...
karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:54):
well i know that !

make sanoo (1:54):
i try now serch it in google>.<
karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:55):
maybe you should serch at wikipedia !
if you serch that in google
make sanoo (1:55):
karkki mestoilt sanoo (1:55):
jeah, im very faking great!

make sanoo (1:55):
you are just faking great- !

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