


nothing, but a gangsta party with FOG.


- Vanhemmat »
pittää kuunella:D

pakkotoistoPerjantai 30.10.2009 19:38

kaveri pakkiksella sanoo näin:

Painaisin mielelläni samanveran kuin oskawi, sillä näkeehän tuon, että löytyy jotain muutakin kuin läskiä. Hänen penkkituloksensa ottaisin myös. Ennemmin tuolleensa, kuin 60kg kynis joka nostaa penkistä 75kg, vaikka kuinka monen mielestä tuo 60-kiloinen olisi "kovempi". Oskawille tsemit kovat on tuloksetkin. Kyykky huikea.

siis aivan mieletöntä kannustusta :D
laitoin tossa kuvia pakkikseen. :D pretty big condict` i mean huge:D damn... ainii pitäs mennä sitä maikki jacksonia kattomaan ois aika jees siis varmaa aika hyvältä tuo kuulostaa, mutta onhan tuo tehty aika lyhyellä ajalla tuo leffa saa nähä onko pelkää rahastusta koko juttu vai ei???:D

Gym, Gym, Gym;DKeskiviikko 14.10.2009 21:08

yeap you know:D hit and lift some weights

trying to get some massssssssss and strenghttttt:D

spending for the schoolTorstai 08.10.2009 18:48

yeap another day that you could sleep really well,,,, hmmm... spending for the school. well i have waste my time on computer downloading some music from petri nygärd.thats pretty much the reason for my "spending" from school, cause i stick on computer that late. right now my brothers are playing halo odst on xbox 360 and for suprise i`m on computer still:D... yeah i think that would be nice to go outside to take some breath... i`m sad well just disappointed because i can not go to gym and thats the order of my doctor. but next monday i can:D and what about weekend i think that we are going to celebarte my friend/bro`s 16th birthday by useing alcohol....

auntum it`s not that nice...Torstai 08.10.2009 16:52

yeap long time no write. :D ha funny. kinda of... yeah. i have mostly spend my time at gym gaining some mass in these days and my school is nice.. there is many good friends and stuff, but for subject to another. i really don`t drink as much as i just drink(alcohol) most because my sport and my feelings about drinking i don`t exactly know why, but i just don`t like it as much as i just to, but hey that`s really good feeling and what about smoking i just think that i must quit cause whats the point of smoking??? yeah and one really big thing that has change my opinion of smoking is that right now i`m in astma invetigation yeap... but i`ll write more later:D

auntum it`s not that nice...Keskiviikko 07.10.2009 18:39

yeap long time no write. :D ha funny. kinda of... yeah. i have mostly spend my time at gym gaining some mass in these days and my school is nice.. there is many good friends and stuff, but for subject to another. i really don`t drink as much as i just drink(alcohol) most because my sport and my feelings about drinking i don`t exactly know why, but i just don`t like it as much as i just to, but hey that`s really good feeling and what about smoking i just think that i must quit cause whats the point of smoking??? yeah and one really big thing that has change my opinion of smoking is that right now i`m in astma invetigation yeap... but i`ll write more later:D

euro travellerSunnuntai 16.11.2008 20:54

now few months i have been thinking that i`m going to travel some places of europe with my friends then when i`m turning 16, because it`s good age start travel if you have some experience about it. I think that next summer would be awsome to go see some world. ofcourse i`m going to get baedeker, because it`s good to have that if you`r getting in to problems. maybe 2-3 years and i`m going to travel united states to see some dreams... :), but first go to asian... but see you later:)
- Vanhemmat »