

They say life ain't fair
Don't let me go there
I'm not looking for fair
I'm just looking for where
I can point this thing
And blast away blast away
blast away

They say love don't last
That it moves too fast
I see it broken like glass
So I can't get past
Wanting to raise my fist
And smash away smash away
smash away

You're gonna feel this
You won't forget it
No way to heal this
So you'll regret it

Look out for Love
(when it wants revenge)
Look out for my heart
( it'll never mend)
Look out for Fate
(when it screams the end)
Look out for Love
(when it wants revenge)

They say life's short
Reach out for support
Ya think I'm that sort?
If it's my last resort
I open up wide
And scream away scream away
scream away

They say too bad
Both happy and sad
But all the pain I had
Just makes me so mad
I want to pull out my hair
And thrash away thrash away
thrash away

You're gonna feel this
You won't forget it
No way to heal this
So you'll regret it

Look out for Love
(when it wants revenge)
Look out for my heart
(it'll never mend)
Look out for Fate
(when it screams the end)
Look out for Love
(when it wants revenge)

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